

Best Batch of 20 Random MEIRL Memes that Define Real Life

Best Batch of 20 Random MEIRL Memes that Define Real Life

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Woman Challenges Internet to Find One Thing That Everyone Can Agree On, Ironically It Doesn’t Seem as Though People Can Agree on Something

Woman Challenges the Internet to Find One Thing That Everyone Can Agree On, Ironically It Doesn’t Seem as Though People Can Agree on Something

Agree to disagree
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bored human with a screwdriver tumblr story

Tumblr Story Imagines A Bored Human On An Alien Ship Armed With A Screwdriver

Yeah, sounds about right.
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Problems of skinny people

Unconventional Problems Skinny People Have

Wouldn't have thought of that one.
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tumblr thread about consuming toxic plants like coffee and hot peppers

Tumblr Thread: Humans Consume Toxic Plants For Fun

Don't talk to me til I've had my bug poison.
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A quick Tumblr post honors how strangely adorable humans are.

Quick Tumblr Post Honors How Strangely Adorable Humans Are

Humans are weird, indeed.
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Tumblr discusses the nine types of movie posters | catchymemes Seems like Disney is using same guy graphics department. ALADDIN DARK PHOENIX STAR WARS thegaysassyfrenchy deadass thought this 3 Star Wars movies. metalgirlysolid its called Color Theory and been knew Art is subjective" but there are certain "rules can follow make things more appealing subconscious/subliminal kind way

Tumblr Uncovers the Nine Types of Movie Posters

Gotta go with either sexy legs or blurry thriller cop.
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villagers pull truck from gorge

Villagers Summon Strength to Pull Truck From Gorge

Now that's some community.
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A Tumblr thread honors a lot of things that make humans so weird | arcticfoxbear Humans Are Weird So there has been bit if humans were weird ones going around tumblr at moment and Earth Day got thinking. Earth is wonky place axis tilts orbit wobbles, and ground spews molten rock goodness sakes if makes humans weird is just our capacity survive if all other life bearing planets are these mild, Mediterranean climates with no seasons, no tectonic plates, and no intense weather if several species

Tumblr Thread: Humans Are Weird, Durable Space Orcs

Maybe aliens would be shook.
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An informative Tumblr thread about how humans go crazy without plants | zachsanomaiy Humans have never lived fully under ground or completely inclosed societies at any point human history part because need decent circadian rhythm sun and see plants and breathe fresh air But also because humans hallucinate and lose their minds if they are inclosed something with structural insecurities, like are legit predisposed go psycho So hear out Story plot:Everything is going fine with fifteen year space

Tumblr Post: Humans Need Their Plant Friends

Plants are the real homies.
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Tumblr sci fi story about aliens afraid of humans | dalekteaservice knew about planet called Earth centuries before made contact with its indigenous species course spent decades studying them afar first researchers had fight years even get grant course. They kept getting laughed out halls T-Class Death World had not only produced sapient life, but Stage Two civilization joke, obviously had be joke. And then wasn't. And all stopped laughing. Instead got very, very nervous watched as human

Tumblr Thread: Aliens Fear of Humans Is a Galactic Feels Trip

Gotta love a good twist ending.
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A quick Tumblr thread pokes fun at how adorable humans are | satanbird E floretsilva teaboot Humans are adorable. Supporting evidence: 1. Humans say 'ow even if they haven't actually been hurt s just thing they say they think they might have been hurt, but aren't sure yet. 2. Humans collect shiny things and decorate their bodies and nests with them shinier better, although each individual has unique taste style and colouring 3. Humans are not an aquatic or even amphibious species, but they flock

Quick Tumblr Thread On Humans Being Adorable

Humans are just so dang cute.
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Tumblr thread about craftspeople identifying archaeological finds | systlin Something find incredibly cool is they've found neandertal bone tools made polished rib bones, and they couldn't figure out they were life them. Until course, they showed traditional leatherworker and she took one look at and said "Oh yeah sure 's leather burnisher use close pores leather and work oil into hide make waterproof. Mine looks just same Wait still using exact same fucking thing 50,000 years later

Tumblr Thread About Craftspeople Identifying Things Archaeologists Couldn't

People have been making stuff forever so it makes sense.
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tumblr post about humans being an ugly race in a sci fi universe | Woman - 's funny science fiction universes so often treat humans as boring, default everyman species or even weakest and dumbest want see sci fi universe where actually considered one more hideous and territying species

Tumblr Users Explore Humans As Space Orcs In Wild Series Of Threads

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people describe human flaws

10+ People Describe The Biggest Flaws In The Human Body

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humor twitter humans social media ridiculous Cats funny - 8095493

Robert The Cat Educates His Human On How To Understand Cats In 13 Tweets

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