
A house is not a home, but it could be. Just needs a bit of imagination an interior decorator and someone to check out that wacky feng shui you have going on. To help you get there, find some light in the dark and hilarity in the work ahead with some hilarious home memes and jokes.

stories of terrible houseguests

The Most Disrespectful Houseguests People Have Had

Stories of people's worst houseguests

The Worst Houseguests People Have Experienced

A picky husband makes the house hunting process a very difficult task, gets called out, and then complains about it.

Picky Husband Makes House Hunting Difficult Task, Gets Called Out, Complains

People describe the pettiest things that their neighbors ever did to them.

Pettiest Things People's Neighbors Did To Them

company won't accept mortgage payments and jerks customer around until they change companies

Company Won't Accept Mortgage Payments, Tells Customer They've Defaulted

Couple hangs a shelf and then learns that their whole house is crooked.

Couple Hangs Shelf, Discovers Whole House Is Crooked

Collapsing second story of house by pumping in water

How Much Water A Second Story Holds Before Collapsing

Entitled manipulative son cancels mom's job interview and tries to sell her house so he can live rent free at college | Posted by u/Aita333645__ AITA kicking my son out my house after he cancelled my job interview? Not hole Please hear out first single mom (45 20 year old son (Chris) Chris is college. He studies engineering. Being single mom at young age not easy Despite everything been through. Despite my own family giving up on made sure my son got life he deserves

Manipulative Son Tries To Sell Mom's House, Cancels Her Job Interview

Horrible stories of homeowners association | jay_mee_d 24.9k points 17 hours ago 2 S being charged $400 because violation bush overhanging my walkway don't have walkway. Or bush picture isn't even my house. They won't back down.

People Who Had to Deal with a Nightmare HOA

terrible and disrespectful house guests | wicked_witch69 2.0k points 16 hours ago Swung my ceiling fan and ripped out ceiling. Like just reached up, grabbed hung on dear life until crashed floor on top him.

Unforgivably Disrespectful Things Done By Houseguests

Twitter thread of strange house | Middle-Aged Rust Belt Voter @frazierapproves Ijust discovered greatest house listing all time starts out very unassuming and modest. | Then see yard and think "wow s somewhat surprising" 9:02 AM 5/18/20 Twitter iPhone

Unique House Listing Is Weird and Kind of Awesome

Neighbor gets revenge on Karen by buying her house | O r/ProRevenge Posted by u/Unique_username504 20 hours ago and Karen Love Story Just kidding. Karen is total bitch, but buckle up because here is my novel. My husband and are our late 30s and childfree. Some people on childfree said should post here too, so enjoy saga. My husband and had been saving up almost decade move tropical paradise. About two years ago bit bullet and moved our dream location! Housing here is SUPER expensive (like Hawaii

Neighbor Defeats Horrible Karen by Buying Her House

Guy gets taken advantage of trying to give away house | gave away house single mom and don't recommend working house flipper doing actual renovations and he offered sell property very cheaply he had bought but didn't think worth flipping because would never be worth much because small 900 sq ft and neighborhoods not terrible but not on way up anytime soon thinking might try renting so renovated bought all new appliances, new floor

Dude Gets Burned Trying to Give Away House

People on Twitter react to HGTV's "House Hunters" episode with a throuple on it | tweet by orlibeth @orlibeth just about go sleep HouseHunters comes on with an episode about THROUPLE shopping house Colorado AND they have two kids Definitely staying up watch this #mustseetv #veryprogressiveHGTV!!

Twitter Reacts To "Throuple" Episode On House Hunters

news segment about hidden pipe organ that takes up a third of a house

A $130K House With A $1 Million Pipe Organ Hidden In It

Kim Kardashian posts pictures of her creepy house and gets roasted on Twitter | white house with no furniture and weird architecture tweet by zack @daly_zack Replying KimKardashian pls put some things ur house freaks out

Kim Kardashian Posts Pics Of House, Gets Roasted