
hospitality industry

5-star-hotel, hotel-drama, compensation, hotel-compensation, comped-hotel

'Is this enough to compensate?': Woman gets free parking and a $150 steak dinner after getting stuck in a 5-star hotel bathroom for an hour, hospitality professionals say she should've gotten more

What do you expect in terms of hospitality when you book an expensive 5-star hotel? You're usually paying upwards of $500 a night, so you would think they would provide the best of services. Especially if you get stuck in a bathroom! Things happen and precarious situations arise, we all know that's unavoidable in this place we call life. But it is how you handle these situations that gives you a top notch rating. When this woman got stuck in a 5-star hotel bathroom while vacationing with her bo…
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reddit, r-hotels, failblog, happy-ending, wholesome-update

Update: 'This is my favorite update ever!': Son forced to deal with mother's $1,200 sticky fingers at a hotel ends up having the most wholesome twist

We recently came across a story of a frustrated son having to deal with the consequences of a supposedly irresponsible mother. ( Read here! ) The mother came to visit the son for the holidays and stayed at a local hotel. A few weeks later, the son gets a package with a vase and a note from his mom saying “call me.” Turns out his mom had stolen a fancy vase from the hotel and the hotel sent her a bill for $1,200 for it and now the mother wanted him to return it. A mortified son, but dutiful none…
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