
hospital ward

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

Everyone makes mistakes, but not all mistakes cost lives, so working at a hospital, you better know what you are doing, lest the mistake end in tragedy. In this case, one patient was very lucky, due to his own quick thinking and frankly, courage, to do what he knew was right. Hospitals are not always as competent as they look, even though oftentimes, we look at doctors and nurses as if they were literal angels, placing our lives in their hands, trusting them to care for us as they would care fo…
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