

neighbors teenagers mowing the lawn grass entitled Grandpa grandparents horses Bad Neighbor horse entitled people - 25962757

'Entitled grandpa... refuses to pay': Teen gets enlisted into doing unpaid chores by pushy neighbor

One man's trash is another man's treasure--- just ask this neighbor. Or any neighbor, for that matter. Almost all of us have had the experience of walking by our neighbor's house and spotting a box marked “free.” These boxes can be filled with any number of “treasures,” ranging from old DVDs to books to clothing or shoes. Some of it is certainly still destined for the trash, but to find a great book or a barely-used bag is a cool way to recycle. Up next,
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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prank prank-call phone phone-number blocked call caller contact horse horses horse-prank reddit petty petty-revenge

'We're about to take [your horse] out back... Old Yeller style': Guy pranks a wrong number after being pestered for months for updates on the stranger's horse

Believe it or not, caller ID was invented in the 80's, but it still took several decades to figure out how to completely block an incoming call. Imagine all the tedious hardships that would have been avoided if blocking a phone number had been a thing sooner? There certainly wouldn't be as many horror movies dedicated to villains in masks hiding behind an unknown number.
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'Guess I need to bring my horse': College student's parking request gets denied, student rides horse to school

'Guess I need to bring my horse': College student's parking request gets denied, student rides horse to school

This college freshman really wanted their horse to come to school with them. Depending on where you live, that might be a completely normal thing to do. Lots of people ride horses around their neighborhoods as a means of transportation, and it works out just fine. I mean, that's what people did before the existence of cars anyway. Before cars ruled the streets, you had to get around on foot. If you wanted to get somewhere fast, you could get there at whatever speed your horse could run. These d…
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dogs farting funny fart animals horse - 107809793

Horse Kicks Tree, Farts On Dogs, Then Runs Away

It's all in the title, folks. Yukon is a channel dedicated to the lives of a person's dogs and horses. This slice of life sequence features some tree kicking, dog crop dusting, and a quick getaway from the scene of the crime.
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16 reddit text images | thumbnail light blue background "r/AskReddit u/AristonD • 118d 12 1 9 8 @7 10 1 If all animals were horse sized, which would be the most majestic to ride into battle? 4 29.2k 12.2k 1, Share Award, friskyfloaty · 118d 3 Awards Id say a skunk. Horse sized skunk. Armed and ready. Me riding into battle with a necklace of little tree air fresheners. Plus when they are threatened and stomp on the ground and stuff? Imagine that but in huge stinky scary size"

If All Animals Were Horse Sized, Which Would Be Best For Riding Into Battle (Ask Reddit)

A thought provoking question
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musician choosing beggar reverse on horse person

Musician Pulls Ultimate Reverse Uno On Entitled Horse Person

Absolutely flawless.
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owner responds to horrible influencer's bad horse stable review

Influencer Leaves Fake Review For Stables, Gets Decimated By Owner's Full Story

Ah, the truth comes out.
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Tumblr thread on sizes of horses | beeftart horses are inherently funny because they come so many sizes. like draft horses this looks so fake. this horses skull is bigger than dudes entire torso. this horses NECK is thicker than dudes entire BODY.

Tumblr Thread: Horse Sizes are Ridiculous

It's like dogs!
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Horse-drawn cart doing donuts,

A Horse-drawn Cart Doing Donuts

Putting the horsepower to good use.
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Master in animal sciences gets schooled on horses | horses (and horsey creatures certain can get around just fine on 3 legs, no prosthetics needed (depending on which leg is missing just so long as don't ride them 80% sure can't ride them if they've only 3 legs Umm have master's animal science and think must not be anything horse-related. Well gon' learn today! First quick lesson on equine anatomy. They walk on last bone single toe. This is different human which walk on quarter bones our entire

Tumblr Thread: "Master" In Animal Sciences Gets Schooled On Horses

Learn something new everyday.
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Doctor asks where to defibrillate a centaur | tweet by FredWuMD Serious question medtwitter: If show up at code, and patient is centaur who had cardiac arrest, ignoring joules question, where do think defib pads should go assuming heart is human part, or B, assuming heart is horse part

Doctor Asks How to Deal with Centaur Cardiac Arrest

Or maybe, centaurdiac arrest?
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crazy reporter ridiculous Video horse - 99349761

UK Horse Riding Reporter Risks Life To Catch Runaway Horse

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Musician recounts story of a fan who rode a horse to a house party and took a photo.

Musician Tells Story of a Fan Who Rode a Stolen Horse To A Party with Photo Evidence

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panorama photo, panorama fail, animals, abominations

38 Panorama Fails That Morphed Animals into Adorable Monstrosities

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tumblr thread about the space shuttle

Tumblr User Derails Our Idea Of The World's Most Advanced Transportation System

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