

having-roommates petty revenge roommate-story horrible-roommate Reddit roommates toxic-roommates - 20078085

'I know [it] will drive them insane': Roomate has had it with entitled passive aggressive couple she lives with, cue petty revenge

With the way the housing market is going these days, many people are opting to live with roommates in order to afford a comfortable pace to live. It's not ideal, but it's better than struggling to pay rent for a one bedroom or moving back in with your parents. Sometimes, roommates can be the best—we've all seen Golden Girls ! But sometimes it can be your absolute worst nightmare. One of the main arguments that roommates tend to get in is cleanliness, so it is important to find a roomie on the s…
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'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

Roommate situations can get muddled and messy real fast, especially when matters concerning money are involved. You'd think you could trust a friend in that regard, but don't be so quick to assume… people can unpleasantly surprise you, as made obvious in this tale of petty revenge. One man told his ‘roommate horror story’ to r/pettyrevenge, which took place many years ago. While in college, he rented out a room in the summer at a friend's apartment in Colorado. He wasn't aware that this ‘friend…
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Woman Goes Viral for Sharing the Dramatic Saga She Endured While Living with a Toxic Karen Roommate from HeII

Woman Goes Viral for Sharing the Dramatic Saga She Endured While Living with a Toxic Karen Roommate from HeII

Imagine being 21, freshly moved to the big apple, and you end up living with a 56-year-old Karen roommate…
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