
homeowners association

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'Expose the fraudsters': Mother takes fraudulent HOA down from the inside

HOAs can be a modern nightmare—a group often run by meddling, pedantic busybodies who have nothing better to do than strictly enforce rules that they made and voted on themselves. But, while they might often be bored and overzealous, at least they're providing… something—right? Adding order to the orderless, civility to what would otherwise be a barbaric existence. Well, it turns out that's not always the case. It turns out that sometimes, or at least in this instance, your HOA may just be a sh…
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HOA Fails: 15+ Neighborhood Homeowners Association Rules That Backfired

HOA Fails: 15+ Neighborhood Homeowners Association Rules That Backfired

An HOA (aka the “homeowners association”) is supposed to collect a fee and fines and use that money to better the neighborhood. Locals pay the HOA for exactly this in hopes the make their home a better place. However, it would appear, that more often than not, the HOA board simply becomes a bunch of entitled neighbors that just want everything to be there way and for everyone else to suffer when it's not. What the heck is up with that?? If you have a pleasant HOA then please share your story, b…
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'What is the most BS fee or fine that you've ever received?': Homeowners come together to discredit HOAs

Another day, another HOA complaint. Seriously, is there even an HOA out there that is actually loved by the neighborhood? Because right now, we are only finding stories of HOAs being manipulative , power-drunk, entitled, and just straight up a bunch of boomer Karens constantly throwing tantrums. Shouldn't they be working on fixing up the local park? Or figuring out how to get the city to come fill all those potholes on your street? Why is it just HOAs fining people who are just trying to live t…
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HOA tells disabled veteran to tear down wheelchair ramp

HOA Demands Guy Tear Down Neighbor's Wheelchair Ramp

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