
home owners association

neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

Bad neighbors will go to great lengths to make your life difficult.
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'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

We don't take kindly to silly HOA rules ‘round these parts. You might say that this town ain’t big enough for the two of us! Seriously though, HOAs are a giant pain in the rear for just about everyone who's moved into their territory. A lot of first-time home buyers will find their dream home, fall in love with the property, and move in ASAP. But then when they arrive, they're told they'll need to pay hundreds of dollars per month to the local Homeowner's Association (HOA). Hundreds! Every mont…
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'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

The HOA patrols are back out in force, ready to protect your neighborhood from things like trucks parked in driveways, or trash cans left outside on trash day. These heroic homeowners associations are always ready to save the day by… doling out large fines designed to stress families out. They're doing things like helping the victims of house fires. Wait, scratch that: they actually had the nerve to fine a family who had a house fire because they thought the place looked unsightly. Wow, it's al…
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'[I] told them to get off my property': HOA goes after homeowner who isn't in their jurisdiction

This homeowner has found themself in an infuriating predicament. They're being bothered by an HOA . Not their HOA. Just an HOA that keeps sticking its nose in this homeowner's business! There are a lot of people who feel that HOA-run neighborhoods are a complete no-go for them. When buying a home, they won't even consider living in a neighborhood that's run by the organization. Homeowner's Associations have gained a reputation for being money-hungry busybodies. Maybe you're thinking that that's…
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'I cut off the boot in front of the HOA member': Boss and employee rally entire neighborhood against overzealous HOA

'I cut off the boot in front of the HOA member': Boss and employee rally entire neighborhood against overzealous HOA

If you're crafty enough, you'd never let something like a boot on your car's tire stop you. You'll have to have a devil-may-care attitude, plus access to some pretty powerful tools. This person knows that all too well, as they shared in a story to the r/AmItheA****** subreddit. Putting a boot on someone's car is no laughing matter. Instead of writing a ticket or even snapping a photo of the license plate to report to officials, this HOA decided to stop this dude from driving ! Now he wouldn't b…
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Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

One HOA member apparently had nothing better to do with her time than police her neighbors constantly. Having a bad neighbor can be a giant pain. Some of them play loud music 24/7. Others love to leave for long weekend trips while their dogs bark and howl for hours. Some people are just inconsiderate of the others around them, and will park on the sidewalk or put up bright floodlights that keep the neighbors awake. But this person wasn't doing anything wrong when their HOA neighbor confronted t…
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'HOA wants to increase [dues] by 94%': Florida condo owner asks for advice for skyrocketing HOA fees

'HOA wants to increase [dues] by 94%': Florida condo owner asks for advice for skyrocketing HOA fees

Some people refuse to buy any property that's on an HOA-owned territory for reasons just like this. A Florida condo owner is wondering what to do after their terrible HOA decided it would nearly double the monthly dues! It's tough out here for a lot of Americans. You can work multiple jobs and still be barely scraping by. This person, u/BearlyGerry, is doing just that: working a full-time gig plus a part-time job on the side just to make ends meet. But their HOA ( homeowners association ) has d…
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'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

'Update: I found a loophole!': Home owner shares their tactic to get around HOA "bald spot" ruling

“Tell them to sod off," quipped one person who was thrilled at this homeowner's HOA workaround . When you picture your dream home, maybe you imagine a big lawn for your kids to run around in. Maybe you envision a wrap-around porch where you and your friends can sip lemonade in the summer. Perhaps you dream of a home where you can decorate it in any color or style: your imagination is the limit. Well, you can forget most of your housing dreams the moment you move into any neighborhood run by an…
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'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

'All flora must be HOA approved': Neighbors discover clever HOA workaround that lets them grow their favorite plants

HOAs rule with an iron fist, controlling even the tiniest of details. Home Owner's Associations (HOAs) are a thorn in the side of everyone who happens to plant themselves in HOA territory. Not every neighborhood has one, but the ones that do are able to spring huge fines on the residents. The group is known for fining people hundreds of dollars for parking in their own driveway, or keeping their boat outside where they can see it, or painting their house a slightly wrong shade of brown. Instead…
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'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

'They charged me $500 for leaving a glass cup on the BBQ': 20+ HOA horror stories

When you want to be charged several hundred dollars for decorating your home as you wish, the HOA is your organization. These notorious corrupt groups seem to love handing out massive fines for tiny little violations. Home Owner's Associations , or HOAs, are groups of people who are supposed to look out for the well-being of their community. But instead, they seem to spend an awful lot of time messing around. For example, one person's HOA horror story involved them painting their house a new co…
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'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

This couple got some exceptionally good revenge on their petty HOA manager . What are HOAs good for? Well, they're supposed to be used for things like telling your neighbors not to leave their trash cans on the street 24/7, or telling people not to park on the sidewalks. Instead, a lot of HOA organizations try to enact their own petty rules. These rules don't benefit anyone but them! This person, u/houseofnim, has been having an issue with fitting their vehicles on their property . With two pic…
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'Karen had made a complaint to the board': Entitled neighbor tattles to HOA about boat issue, is forced to admit defeat

'Karen had made a complaint to the board': Entitled neighbor tattles to HOA about boat issue, is forced to admit defeat

It's not every day you hear about someone having a positive experience with their local HOA . It seems like 95% of the time, people share stories complaining about how controlling their HOAs are. A lot of Home Owner's Associations, or HOAs for short, have a habit of doling out fines for the pettiest little reasons. Some people have been fined for things like parking their cars in their own driveways, or for placing those little signs on their lawn that advertise the landscaper who trimmed the g…
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'Time for malicious compliance?': New Florida resident rallies against strict HOA rules

'Time for malicious compliance?': New Florida resident rallies against strict HOA rules

The move to Florida is going to be a big change for this person. Using an apt username, u/firsthomeFL has a request for the good folks of Reddit: What's the best way to get on an HOA's nerves? Up next, this finance worker was advised to “ let the newbie fail ," after revealing that a new worker refuses to learn anything.
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'We bid $45k over asking... [but] personal connections mattered more': Influential realtor closes the deal for a first time home buyer, even though they weren't the highest bidder

When you're not born into wealth, it's easy to be skeptical of the whole ‘it’s who you know, not what you know' philosophy in the working world. Although we've all seen nepo-babies rise to the top with nothing but a silver spoon and a pair of coattails to ride, most working folks don't fully realize the power of connections until we witness it in action.
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'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

For one South Carolina homeowner, HOA rules just weren't acceptable. His case is totally understandable: why would you want an association to meddle with your property? Why is it any of their business in the first place? HOAs, or Home Owner's Associations , are known to be meddlesome groups. They're usually run by local people who police the properties in their area heavily. They can issue fines for things like parking in one's own driveway, or having the wrong mailbox type, or painting one's h…
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'I got fined for having a Halloween pumpkin on my patio on November 1st': 20+ HOAs who had strict rules and steep fines

'I got fined for having a Halloween pumpkin on my patio on November 1st': 20+ HOAs who had super strict rules and steep fines

If you can help it, never move into a neighborhood that is home to an HOA. The name of an HOA, or Home Owner's Association, implies that it's a board that'll make sound decisions for the homeowners of an area. But in practice, that's so far from the truth. In reality, HOAs are run by a few people who make sweeping decisions for an entire area, and are often more focused on keeping control over people's homes and charging massive fines to line their own pockets. They're able to do things like ch…
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