home improvement

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

work worker diy employee employees smug advice wisdom ignored professional construction deck decking home-improvement reddit malicious-compliance

'Okay, have it your way': Smug DIYer losing $3,000 dollars worth of decking after ignoring the sage advice of a professional

diy diy-project reddit home-improvement lazy customer client employee backfire payback retail customer-service manager management employee boss work

'I was laughing': Lazy DIY customer complains to management about an exemplary hardware store employee after ignoring 80% of his advice on a project, gets called out

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

Stairs to nowhere: 20+ Building designs that didn't go as planned

Unusable chairs and stairs to nowhere: 20+ Building blunders that boggle the mind

customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

'JUST... DO... YOUR... JOB!': Furious Karen rampages and screams at a hardware store employee, then gets put in her place as he maliciously complies to her commands

'JUST... DO... YOUR... JOB!': Furious Karen rampages and screams at a hardware store employee, then gets put in her place as he maliciously complies to her commands

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

Is Home Depot a home improvement store, or is it a dog park? It can't be both.

‘Home improvement store or a dog park?’: Customer asks employees how they feel about dogs overtaking home improvement stores

Professional Home Inspectors on TikTok Hilariously Rag on House Flippers for Their Cheap "Fixes"

Professional Home Inspectors on TikTok Hilariously Rag on House Flippers for Their Cheap "Fixes"

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake

Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

FAIL cringe Awkward home improvement ridiculous Video - 107015937

British Lad Can't Stand The Sight Of Home Makeover

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