

‘[That’s] a lot of money to pay just to find out if I can talk to my neighbors': HOA bans neighbors from talking about the HOA, so neighbors seriously consider a $300-$1k alternative

‘[That’s] a lot of money to pay just to find out if I can talk to my neighbors': HOA bans neighbors from talking about the HOA, so neighbors seriously consider a $300-$1k alternative

According to the HOA, the first rule of the HOA is... We don't talk about the HOA?
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'Fake HOA [knows] no boundaries:' Board member discovers fraud in her HOA and gets them all to "retire quietly," but now she's getting bullied

'Fake HOA [knows] no boundaries:' Board member discovers fraud in her HOA and gets them all to "retire quietly," but now she's getting bullied

Sometimes there are situations that make you stop and think, “what would you do?” There are countless Reddit threads that make you ponder just this. Recently, we came across one about a fake HOA. A citizen had gotten onto the HOA board and was excited to make the community a better place. She was already working with the city's Parks department and even an environmental non-profit. Her first project was to make a beautiful park. However, after being part of this HOA for a few years, she started…
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'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left leaves on their neighbor's curb

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left their leaves on their neighbor's curb

This person has a lot of leaves to put out, but the leaf removal company they hired is being so picky about removing them. If you hire a company to do a service, you'd be shocked if they just decided not to do that. How useless of them! This place has created some pretty strict rules for how their leaf pickup has to go, but the rules are comically picky. This person has way more than your average share of leaves. While many of us find ourselves raking up the leaves of a couple trees on the prop…
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karens hoa karen hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22380805

'We screwed them out of potentially millions': Jealous HOA Karen's shrubbery objections unearth interesting details about the HOA's policies

Things can get serious when it comes to shrubberies, especially when you're going head-to-head against the local HOA's mode meddling member… or on a quest for the Holy Grail. Whether it's a Knight of Ni or an HOA Karen, you'd best have your wits about you when they come around making demands about shrubberies and their appearances. When you decide to go meddling with things that you ought not to be meddling with you, you need to be careful. And that's because you might send someone on the warpa…
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'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

Having bad neighbors is a nightmare, especially if they share a wall with you. What do you do in these types of situations? Most people just try to ignore the troublesome neighbors and continue living their life. However, that only works for so long—like, until they start terrorizing your own property. Then what do you do?? The cops can't really do anything until things have progressed way too far. And you can't really do anything beyond what the law allows, which really isn't much unless it's…
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'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

This person is determined not to let their HOA stop them. As u/Endoman13 puts it, “I've never met anyone that said, ‘Oh good, an HOA.’” Home Owner's Associations are meant to keep neighborhoods clean and orderly… in theory. But in practice, these often end up as a cliquey group of busybodies who spend their time trying to fine their neighbors as many times as possible.
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hoa housing neighbors neighborhood mother neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors flippers flipping family mom houses home cardboard boxes boxes driveway - 22323717

'[House] flippers were... unhappy with my mother's "unsightly" driveway': HOA tells family to clear their driveway, mother installs a sign to get back at them

What HOA wants, HOA will get. When they pick a fight with this family, they're going to get much more of a hassle than they ever anticipated. Parents can sense something in the air as summer is coming to a close, and they instinctually realize: It's time to make the kids clean out the garage with me. Why do parents have this instinct? Science has not given us the answer yet. Maybe they realize that school is about to be back in session, and their kids have had a lot of fun already this summer.…
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'Enjoy never using it again': Callous neighbors make it impossible for senior dog to enjoy her last day on earth, grieving dog dad dishes out $15k to ruin their backyard

'Enjoy never using it again': Callous neighbors make it impossible for senior dog to enjoy her last day on earth, grieving dog dad dishes out $15k to ruin their backyard

We don't need to go into how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. It's one of the most heartbreaking experiences any pet owner will have to go through. So if there is anything a pet owner can do to make that day a little less the worst day ever, then you better believe they will do that. Only the coldest of hearts would make that kind of day worse for anyone. Unfortunately, those types of callous coldhearted people exist in the world—Recently, a guy who goes by u/valdev on Reddit shared…
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'The neighbor avoided them like a coward': Guy's property is repeatedly trespassed and damaged by neighbor's Airbnb guests

'The neighbor avoided them like a coward': Guy's property is repeatedly trespassed and damaged by neighbor's Airbnb guests

Where is an HOA when you actually need one? Of course, I'm being facetious when I write this because as we have seen so many times here at Fail Blog, HOAs can be treacherous. That being said, someone has to get this dude's neighbor kicked out of the community. Not only was he listing his place as an Airbnb, which is not against the rules of course but I wouldn't want to live next to one, but also he and his guests are consistently trespassing and damaging other people's property. It turns out,…
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‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

Apartment residents don't always have complete control over what happens in their home, and sometimes nature does its duty, a contractor pulls the wrong wire, or your four year old nephew pulls the fire alarm. Whatever the case may be, sometimes our supervision and good intentions make no difference. Such was the case for one person whose fire sprinkler went off due to something their contractor did. Of course, OP was not at fault, but the HOA apparently disagreed. Let's start at the beginning.…
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'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

This person's "dirt cheap" home came with a catch — an unceasing HOA.
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'I hope he enjoys [my] new 2AM workout': Upstairs tenant gets payback on the unit below by weaponizing her nightshift after a flurry of fallacious complaints to HOA

Mudslinging isn't very neighborly, but neighborhood feuds are more common than affordable housing. In buildings with close quarters, paper-thin walls, and rickety floorboards, it's easy to get swept up in the downright fury of a noisy, irritating neighbor– especially when you have opposite sleep rhythms. For this tenant, it was more than just the tight living conditions that sent her over the edge...
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'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

We know all too well at this point that HOA sagas can be drawn out for what seems like an eternity. Recently, a friend and her partner were unjustly fined for using an incorrectly installed air conditioner that was built by the prior tenant, who of course had not been fined. However, it did not matter who installed the air conditioner. The fact that someone discovered the installation went against the rules not long after they moved in and started using it was enough to hand out an intense fine…
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‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

The long game of revenge requires a lot of patience, so unless you are truly up for it, don't bother undertaking such a commitment. I'd expect you would have some pretty high expectations when moving into a house. Everything is always pink, rosy, shiny and new, before it turns grey, bitter, old and then black. You want the place to be nice, the street to be quiet, the neighbors to be invisible. Is that so much to ask, when paying the amount you need in order to pay for an actual house nowadays?…
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hoa neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories parenting mom homeowners association - 22021125

'Expose the fraudsters': Mother takes fraudulent HOA down from the inside

HOAs can be a modern nightmare—a group often run by meddling, pedantic busybodies who have nothing better to do than strictly enforce rules that they made and voted on themselves. But, while they might often be bored and overzealous, at least they're providing… something—right? Adding order to the orderless, civility to what would otherwise be a barbaric existence. Well, it turns out that's not always the case. It turns out that sometimes, or at least in this instance, your HOA may just be a sh…
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'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises clever HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

This family will not be stopped by an HOA. The whole concept of an HOA is designed to benefit HOA members, not the people who live in the neighborhood . We all want to just decorate our properties as we see fit. If you're an adult who owns a property, why should anyone else tell you what to do there (not counting things outside the law, obviously). If you want to plant sunflowers, put in a nice swing, or support your favorite sports team with a sign or a flag, there's no reason you shouldn't do…
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