

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

Living in an HOA neighborhood means you should not be surprised to find a nosy Karen or three. So what can you do when one decides that you are going to be the target of their explosive wrath and rage? If she's got the HOA laws on her side, fighting this would be an expensive mess. If you give in, sure, the Karen is going to win, but it's better to take the target off your back than submit to months of war. In short, it's just not worth it. Now, there are a few ways that you can give in while s…
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landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

You can't have your cake and eat it too… and you should never voluntarily take a piece of an HOA's cake. For, that cake comes with a price—a blood price—that will bind you to their covenants and leave you vulnerable to petty powertrips from their bored aged board members who will go to any lengths to ensure that not a single blade of grass is out of line. About 10 years ago, this guy and his wife moved into a suburban neighborhood that had a community pool, which was only accessible to members…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighbor-karen hoa-karen bad-hoa Bad Neighbor neighbor - 20545797

'Do it as loud as [...] possible': HOA declares trash bins can only be out at specific times, tenants noisily comply

If you can't beat ‘em… join ‘em—with as raucous of a racket as you can possibly manage. That’s what these property owners decided to do when faced with ridiculously restrictive rulings of their HOA.
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hoa neighbors gardening neighborhood garden homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 20502533

'[His] neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report [him.]': Karen and HOA team up to take on guy who just wants to garden, he gets the last laugh

You reap what you sow, and when you cherry-pick rules, don't be surprised if those disproportionately affected by them dig up some dirt and lead you down the garden path… This gardening uncle became the target of his HOA for violating their 'no fences' regulation after his Karen neighbor reported him for the small half-foot high picket fence that he placed around his garden. The HOA regulation was supposed to pertain to enclosing fences only, but the HOA's strict interpretation of their regulat…
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karens hoa pizza home owners association pizza delivery karen-customer food delivery hoa-karen karens in the wild story service-industry-stories delivery karen - 19902725

HOA Karen gets entire neighborhood banned from pizza place by giving terrible tip

Usually, bad tippers get off scot-free and—well, completely free. But this HOA Karen managed to get her entire neighborhood banned from a pizza place simply because of the sheer atrocity that was her tip. This brilliant story was shared to Reddit's aptly named r/r/f**kHOA subreddit, a community where stories are shared with a theme that you can probably surmise. Occasionally stories from this subreddit will trend onto Reddit's r/all front page, as this one did when it was originally posted. The…
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