
history memes

funny history memes, stories and moments | thatsbelievable Follow Best Gorilla Joke 1897 Gorilla: Did hear about gorilla who escaped zoo? Zookeeper: No did not. Gorilla is because am quiet gorilla Muffled sounds gorilla violence angelnumber27 Follow people 1897 were mentally 2030 | mygoodbabushka 1930, Helene Adelaide Shelby patented an apparatus obtaining criminal confessions police put suspect into darkened chamber where they are confronted by human skeleton with glowing red eyes questions the

Funny History Memes and Moments That Put Things In Perspective

History is weird. People are weird.
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funny memes about history | think people 14th :08 Century would be mind blown by: ONEPLUS they'd Spices really be mind blown by: | Hapsburgs they see their cousins at family reunion He is 3.5 metric tons raw, sexual aggression.

History Memes to Become One with Time

Become learned through memery.
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funny history memes | Wisdom Teeth 50,000 BC have extra teeth so can chew through dead animal skin and tree bark wisdom teeth Modern My jaw hurts, need 2000 surgery swole doge vs cheems | going back Middle Ages teach them science TM Later earlier Yeah already Earth isn't know flat

History Memes for the Knowledge Seekers

Knowing history makes someone smart, right?
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history memes | GREENLAND ICELAND Erik Viking: laughing Leo Dicaprio in a horned helmet | Publishing numerous studies on benefits genetic diversity Having ten children with cousin PUSH Charles Darwin Double Soda Pour

History Memes that are Packed with Knowledge

Feel the history.
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funny history memes | Vikings after finding out monasteries are filled with gold and people can't fight

History Memes to Feel Smart About

It's like learning, sort of!
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A Tumblr thread describes all the wild medieval battle tactics. | Medieval castle stairs were often built ascend narrow, clockwise spirals so right- handed castle defenders could use their swords more easily. This design put those on way up at disadvantage (unless they were left-handed steps were also uneven give defenders advantage anticipating each step's size while attackers tripped over them. Source Source 2 Source

Tumblr Thread: Medieval Battle Tactics Were Wild

Yay, history is fun.
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