
hiring manager

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'Why should we hire you?': Relatable Interview Memes for Resume Peddlers Wondering If Unemployment is Really All That Bad

With all of this bending-over-backwards, you really could use a rewarding massage instead of a 40+ hour work week.
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'The job listing read $110,000':  Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

'The job listing read $110,000': Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

Companies falsely advertise salary ranges far too often, and the consequences are a lot of wasted time on potential candidates' part, never mind the recruiters. OP applied for an account executive job with a job description that offered a salary between $90k and $110k. Yet when OP was asked about salary expectations in the interview, the hiring manager acted surprised with OP's offer… even though his credentials were out of the ballpark. Companies just don't seem to have a moral compass anymore…
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Vent after an inteview

'No point asking you anything else': Rude hiring manager makes interviewee cry after second interview

This person is scared to interview again after this terrible experience with an insensitive hiring manager. This unfortunate job seeker took to r/recruitingh*ll to share their awful experience and vent about their frustrations with the interview process. As u/ThatFaithlessness101 wrote, they had a second interview with a company. It was entry level, and they also stated in the job requirements that you didn't have to be familiar with anything related to the job before joining the company. So th…
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hiring manager interview - 16853253

Hiring Manager Tells Candidate They Can Work Remote, Turns Out It's Only "After 5PM", Quits on Third Day

I don't know who needs to hear this... but letting someone to go home after work is NOT remote work.
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