
higher ups

‘They turned off the lights’: Youngsters find a clever way to comply with camp rules after being told 'lights off', then get sent to higher-ups

‘They turned off the lights’: Youngsters find a clever way to comply with camp rules after being told 'lights off', then get sent to higher-ups

Long gone are the days I went to summer camp, but I always enjoy a good story about camp counselors vs camp attendees. In this case, OP was in an IT course in a Balkan country, and they got an offer to go to a summer sports camp. OP describes the adventure as ‘fun’ even though there were quite a few things that were a bit ‘off’ about the camp itself. Still, when you are young, you know how to ignore red flags and just have fun. One of the bigger issues was the curfew… or rather, the lack of lig…
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