
hardware store

A Well Supplied Toolbox of Hardware Store Memes for Hard Workers LOLing Their Way Through the Project

A Well-Supplied Toolbox of Hardware Store Memes for Hard Workers LOLing Their Way Through the Project

If you can't laugh while you're on your 11th trip to the hardware store in one day, then you won't survive the project.
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‘I want him fired right now!’ […] ‘Ma'am, he doesn't work here': Electrician shopping at a hardware store becomes the main focus of a Karen customer's tantrum

Have you ever been thrust into the universe a Karen lives in? It's quite a bizarre place. It seems that logic does not exist in this universe and you must be a mindless worker bee for the Karen. It's obviously not a real reality that sane people live in, and yet entitled Karens all over the world seem to believe that is where we all live. It's quite mind blowing , to be honest. A blue collar electrician recently accidentally walked into the world of a Karen. He was shopping at a hardware store…
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