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Work-from-home employee draws the line after retired neighbor treats him like his personal handyman: 'He called me three times in one day'

Getting stuck with bad neighbors is a reality that many of us would never wish upon another person. You move in, hoping for polite waves and the occasional shared snowblower, not a self-appointed BFF who thinks you're their personal handyman. You want to be kind and neighborly, sure, but when the requests start coming in daily—sometimes multiple times a day—it’s a whole different story. And some people take it as even more of an invitation to bug you throughout the day if you work from home. Pe…
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To save $2,000, penny-pinching Karen chooses a budget handyman over a respectable contractor, pays the price later when he refuses to fix the amateur's mistakes: ‘Not worth my trouble’

This Karen, a cheapo haggler, decided she didn't feel like paying market value for her bathroom remodel after haranguing her contractor for months over every nickel and dime, but this ultimately cost more than just a couple thousand dollars, it would cost the integrity of her entire house.
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20+ Fail Memes of Shoddy Handiwork That Awakens the Handyman in You

20+ Fail Memes of Shoddy Handiwork That Awaken the Handyman in You

If you're debating on hiring someone or DIYing it, this is your sign to hire a professional.
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'All that for a pitcher of lemonade': 17 Handymen share wholesome tales of gracious clients whose kindness made them go above and beyond

Time to show some appreciation to our boys with blue collars
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'Always happy to help a fellow tradesman– but not this guy': Lazy handyman won't move his car to assist a fellow contractor, gets denied a ladder loan that complicates his own job

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Handymen and tradesmen have been living by this law for centuries and it's arguably one of the few industries left that follows the old-school, handshake contract traditions. Through the uncommunicated secret bond of fellow tradesmen, most blue-collar guys would go out of their way to help a guy out with their project, simply because they know that the good karma will come back to them at some point.
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'Life is not a YouTube tutorial': Tradesman gets vindicated when DIY neighbor devalues his professional skill and totally ruins a welding project

Many of us are DIYers and YouTube tutorial survivalists by necessity. Sure, an online tutorial video can help an amateur complete a project at a lower price, but none of us are out here diluting the value of an actual professional's skills. As I stare at the cattywompus angles of the tilted tiles in my DIY bathroom, it becomes painfully clear that a pro would have done it a lot better than me.
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Handyman on TikTok Goes Viral for Giving the Most Entertaining and Hilarious Step-by-Step Tutorials

Handyman on TikTok Goes Viral for Giving the Most Entertaining and Hilarious Step-by-Step Tutorials

He even does spot-on sound effects of his power tools.
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