
halloween decorations

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious person leaves note telling neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious Halloween hater leaves note demanding neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

This person couldn't have undecorated fast enough for one of their neighbors. It seems like every year people debate how long it's okay to leave holiday decorations up until. Is it okay to leave a Christmas tree up until February? What about leaving holiday lights up year-round? And when exactly should you switch from Thanksgiving decorations to Hanukkah or Christmas ones? It varies differently from family to family. Plus, people set up their decorations at different times, too. Some love to st…
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'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

If you're like me, you probably haven't planned your Halloween costume yet. It's not that you're not creative enough. I mean, you've compiled a list of potential options that includes all the costumes you didn't end up having time to put together from the past few years. You claim that this year you're going to go all out, but the reality is that Halloween is just over ten days away and you haven't done anything. If you find yourself in this position and you're in desperate need of a low-effort…
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Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Nobody messes with Jon Bone Jovi.
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