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'Congratulations, you played yourself': Day spa customer requests entourage be allowed to photograph her, regrets hasty decision to cancel

This person had a strange request for her salon , and the salon wasn't happy to hear about her plans. If you want to antagonize your hairdresser before your cut, that's your prerogative, but it's not the brightest idea. You're at the salon to get a nice haircut, something you probably can't do as nicely on your own. The hairdresser has immense power over you as they cut your hair---they can make you look amazing, goofy, or somewhere in between. No one goes to a hairdresser wanting a bad haircut…
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Top 20 Questionable Haircuts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

Top 20 Questionable Haircuts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

Everybody makes mistakes, but some are very hard to fix. Sure, some of you may be thinking that bad hair days are not a big deal. After all, hair grows back. However, it’s not like it grows back overnight. As Phoebe Waller-Bridge declared in the second season of Fleabag , “hair is everything!” We may want to pretend like hair isn’t important or that an unfortunate haircut is forgettable, but whether or not we want to admit it, we carry these moments with us. I vividly remember when my mother ca…
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'I got just the cut for you': 30+ memorable haircuts and barber flops

'I got just the cut for you': 30+ memorable haircuts and barber flops

No one forgets a horrendous haircut experience. It's the kind of story from your past that occasionally creeps its way into your memory out of nowhere and instantly causes you to cringe and shiver. If you are lucky enough to have never had a bad haircut experience , imagine sitting in that chair and having your barber swivel you around so you can finally see yourself in the mirror. Then, imagine not being able to recognize yourself or anything you instructed your barber in what you see in the r…
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'[She] wanted a legit bowl cut': 20+ Comical haircuts that hair stylists were hesitant to do

'[She] wanted a legit bowl cut': 20+ Comical haircuts that hair stylists were hesitant to do

Here's your fun fact of the day: did you know there's a style called the “jellyfish haircut”? If I had to see it, so do you .
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30 Laughably Terrible Haircuts That Put Barbers n' Stylists in a Hairy Situation

They're taking 'worst haircut of your life' to the next level
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'Hair salon learns the meaning of the Streisand effect': Customer puts hair salon on blast after spending $2k on extensions

'Hair salon learns the meaning of the Streisand effect': Customer puts hair salon on blast after spending $2k on extensions

The only thing worse than getting a bad haircut is paying thousands of dollars for that terrible hairdo. This person, u/Hot_Door7211, found themself in that exact situation after paying a cool two grand for their hairstyle! Until you have a reliable stylist, looking for the best place to get your hair styled can take some time. You never know if the stylist will do a good job or not until after they've already clipped your hair. And of course, it's not like you can glue the hair back on once yo…
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'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors'

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors,' employee maliciously complies

This supermarket employee is learning that some bosses care way more about appearances than others. It really depends on your career path: if you're a lawyer, there's no way you can show up to work rocking green hair and lip piercings. But there are plenty of job opportunities where HR either doesn't care or doesn't have the power to instruct employees about that kind of thing. When you rock an unnatural hair color, people usually have one of three reactions. They'll either tell you they like i…
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'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

Bad hair days come and go, but the experience of receiving a bad haircut lives forever. The shock of looking in the mirror and seeing something so far beyond what you asked for is seared in the memories of countless disgruntled customers. That being said, with this story, we're going to shift the focus from the customer to the barber. Everyone makes mistakes on the job, and sometimes, forgiveness is the best you can ask for after you mess up on the job. For these hairdressers, the experiences o…
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'Took her a few hours to get the knots out': Woman throws long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

'Knot a bad revenge at all': Woman throws her long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

This form of revenge was not only petty, but it was also knotty. Sometimes, when you're in a public performance setting like a movie theater or a play, people are unintentionally disruptive and annoying in a way that can ruin the whole experience for others. We know this phenomenon all too well, from the folks who text after they have been told to silence their cell phones to the people who have absolutely no concept of personal space. Like it or not, there are unspoken rules of how to behave i…
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'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

This pool salesman has been on the job long enough to know that some customers can't be convinced to buy the products they need. Customers often like to think they know everything about a product just because they own it. In this case, the owner of a pool was pretty sure he knew everything he needed to know about his swimming pool. How hard could it be to maintain one little pool? All you have to do is fill it and empty it seasonally, and put in some chlorine or salt. Right? Surely there's noth…
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'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

No one is going to have a better “bad haircut story” than this dude. Imagine: you go to get a haircut, and as you're sitting in the chair, a car races into the establishment, crashing just feet away from you! The dude in the video doesn't have to wonder, because it happened to him while this hairdresser was giving him a trim. As you can check out in this wild video below, a 90-year-old woman the driver behind the chaos. She reportedly hit a different car while leaving a fast food restaurant. Th…
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'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

Every generation commits a few fashion faux pas that will be remembered fondly decades later. Maybe you were in the generation that couldn't get enough of massive hairstyles full of gels and aerosol hair spray . Maybe you were around for the days of velour jumpsuits, or the baggy oversized clothing trend. Even the youth of today cannot escape their own weird fashion moments. With the popularity of emojis, clothes covered in emojis are somewhat popular (and that did get hated on in the comments!…
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'We all had a bit of a chuckle at her tantrum': Hair salon tells woman she can't bring friends with her, woman cancels her own wedding hair appointment

These salon workers have a long wait list, so they can afford to pick and choose which customers they'll serve. I wish more businesses were run this way. As u/MissAcedia shared, she works at a day spa that is very busy. Due to their long wait list of customers wanting a nice hair cut or day at the spa, their days are packed full. So when customers act up or get upset about scheduling issues, it's no problem for the OP to take them out of her calendar. After all, if you provide a great service,…
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'[My] friend wraps what’s left of Karen’s hair in a towel': Customer wants hairdresser to style her hair, discovers she won't get the hairstyle she wants

'[My] friend wraps what’s left of Karen’s hair in a towel': Customer insists hairdresser style her hair, is infuriated when her hairdressers' warnings come true

Hair stylists do an amazing job at making you look your best, but they aren't miracle workers. Not every hairstyle can be accomplished in one day, as this customer found out. Apparently, one recent hair trend has been women who want to have Kim Kardashian's long silvery-gray hair. What they don't know is that it's most likely a wig…and their own hair will take a lot of processing to achieve the same color as Kim. At least these women know what style they want for their hair! It's always good to…
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'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went off the rails

'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went wrong

Everyone makes mistakes, barbers and hair stylists included. There are lots of jobs where mistakes are fine or even encouraged. Barbering is not one of those jobs. Hair stylists have the important role of helping you find the look that will suit you best and leave you happy and confident in your looks. It's easy to tell the difference when your hair has been butchered. People give you weird looks, compared to getting lots of compliments when you've had a good haircut . Sure, hair grows back if…
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Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist comments on her 'weedwhacker' haircut

'I'm not a Karen I swear': Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist roasts her 'weedwhacker' haircut

This woman is wondering if she's the reason her latest haircut went so poorly. Recently on Twitter, people were discussing “haircut trauma,” with some people mocking the idea, and more serious folks knowing exactly what that meant. Hair is a very important indicator of oneself, after all, it's one of the first things people notice about you, and one of the ways you are judged upon first impressions. So if you've ever had a hair stylist botch your hair really badly, you know that it can be a rou…
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