
group chat

AITA for speaking up about a bad employer?

'I felt embarrassed afterwards knowing I might get fired': Employee texts their entire company in a group chat

This deli worked wondered, “AITA for speaking up about a bad employer ?” and they didn't exactly get the answer they were looking for. U/jackjack_d3mon wrote to the subreddit in order to gain some other opinions on something they'd just done, and pretty quickly regretted. As the OP wrote, they had some serious concerns about their workplace, a deli where they work closing shifts . Some of their concerns are that one employee disregards what management says in order to “be a leader." The OP also…
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'No OnE EvEr WaNtS tO dO aNyThInG': Toxic family group chat goes horribly wrong when petty aunt completely misses the point

'No OnE EvEr WaNtS tO dO aNyThInG': Toxic family group chat goes horribly wrong when petty aunt completely misses the point

Families always have a complicated dynamic. Because nobody has a perfect family, most people can relate to having a family group chat go completely awry, even when the best efforts and intentions are made. One woman knows better than anyone that a family chat can go south in an instant. Recently a girl named Mikayla was attempting to get the family reunited to celebrate the birthday of their grandma all together. To do so, she reached out to a large group of family members – aunts, cousins, sib…
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Memes for People Who Just Aren't About the Group Chat Life

Memes for People Who Just Aren't About the Group Chat Life

If you don't put your group chats on silent, you're probably a psychopath..
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