
grocery store

Trust Us, It's Seriously Good

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Believe Me, You'll Need It...

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Saw a Nice Piece of Tail at the Grocery Store!

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You're Not Getting Paid to Waste My Time!

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Driver! To Aisle 7! I Require Pop Tarts!

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Just Your Average Safeway Customer

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Via Reddit

The Aisle We've All Been looking For

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What Kind of Grocery Store is This?

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An Aisle for the Witch in Your Life

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ALL Of Them?

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Ultra Cheap!

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Created by diygamer ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Never Turn Your Back on Your Husband In the Deli Section of the Grocery Store

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Via Merkley???

Clean Up in Aisle Four

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The Pranking Grocery List Man Strikes Again

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I'm All Lost in the Supermarket

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