

'He kept sending bills for it': Boss refuses to let bridge keeper take his coffee breaks

'He kept sending bills for it': Boss refuses to let bridge keeper take his coffee breaks

Here's a story about one grandfather who had an interesting job as a bridgekeeper. I imagine that's the kind of job that's automated today. But in this man's day, he and his wife would keep an eye out for boats each day and let them through when they needed to cross under the bridge. Many years ago, people would take multiple breaks throughout their workday, like this grandpa who was supposed to take two separate coffee breaks . It also was fairly common to go home for lunch. Many school kids d…
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Grandma leaves petty note in will to her mooching granddaughter: 'You still owe me $14'

Grandma leaves petty note in will to her mooching granddaughter: 'You still owe me $14'

Grandma really took the final opportunity she had to be petty. You have to hand it to this lady because she really stuck to her convictions until after the bitter end. Unfortunately, this Redditor's grandmother dealt with a ton of generational family issues and estranged relationships, but even with this drama, she took care of her troubled family members through it all. One of these family members, whom the Original Poster refers to as J, ran away from home yet kept asking granny for money eve…
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neighbors teenagers mowing the lawn grass entitled Grandpa grandparents horses Bad Neighbor horse entitled people - 25962757

'Entitled grandpa... refuses to pay': Teen gets enlisted into doing unpaid chores by pushy neighbor

One man's trash is another man's treasure--- just ask this neighbor. Or any neighbor, for that matter. Almost all of us have had the experience of walking by our neighbor's house and spotting a box marked “free.” These boxes can be filled with any number of “treasures,” ranging from old DVDs to books to clothing or shoes. Some of it is certainly still destined for the trash, but to find a great book or a barely-used bag is a cool way to recycle. Up next,
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'A used sweater with spaghetti stains': 25+ Bad gifts that were unforgettably weird

'A used sweater with spaghetti stains': 25+ Bad gifts that were unforgettably weird

Getting a really bad present can throw you for a loop. On your birthday, you probably expect the usual gifts: books, some candles, or maybe a nice tee shirt. The people in your life who know you best will sometimes get you some excellent gifts, like tickets to see your favorite band live in concert, or an expensive video game that you've been wanting for ages. After receiving all of these good and amazing presents, it takes you by surprise when you get a really awful gift. The people below told…
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'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

We all have that one childhood memory that was so funny it turned into a legend. Being a kid is one of the most fun times in life. You wake up in the morning and get to play all day long. It's a time of endless creativity as kids learn how to interact with the world around them and the people in their lives. And, if you've ever interacted with a toddler for more than five minutes, you know that kids get into trouble like it's their job. They're like little whirlwinds of chaos . They find an ope…
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'It was important that her husband not be bothered': Overworked mom decides to stop driving forever after husband chides her for not doing her "responsibilities"

'It was important that her husband not be bothered': Overworked mom decides to stop driving forever after husband chides her for not doing her "responsibilities"

Legendary stories like this one get told over and over again. Some things change with the passing years, while others remain the same forever. In a family with kids , the young ones will always need to go to school, do homework, eat at least three meals a day, and they'll also need rides to their friends' houses and soccer practices. It can be a whirlwind for any parent! And for parents who are doing all of the childcare and housework while the other parent works a 9-5 job, it can be a lot to h…
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Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Family get-togethers always bring an unnecessary amount of shade and entitlement. As you get older, you only notice it more and more and ti just becomes less and less bearable. That's what food and drink are for. However, this Redditor wasn't even allowed to partake in that because his petty Aunt Karen refused to let him sit at the “adult's table” despite him being a fully-grown man at this point. Instead, he had to six at a table of six years olds once again.
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'We found about 2,000 jars of green beans': Grandpa detests green beans, hides thousands of cans from his wife for decades

'We found about 2,000 jars of green beans': Grandpa detests green beans, hides thousands of cans from his wife for decades

It's remarkable the lengths this grandpa went to avoid having to eat green beans. The fact that his distaste for the vegetable became one of the defining characteristics of his personality well beyond his lifespan is also kind of iconic. I could only dream that the future generations of my family will be talking about my disgust for feta cheese. When you consider the personality traits of the people within your family both living and dead, you might begin by listing out their passions and inter…
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'He won't be on the will': Grandpa leaves grandson out of the will, demanding paternity test in exchange for inheritance

'He won't be on the will': Grandpa leaves grandson out of the will, demanding paternity test in exchange for inheritance

A will is a tricky thing, and it is the root cause of conflict in families, especially when one of the older relatives is showing signs of being on their way out. This grandpa shared a story about how frustrated he was with his reckless son, who fully expected that his child should be on the will. That sounds reasonable unless you know the background of the story. See, this kid wasn't one hundred percent part of the family. Or at least, the grandpa suspected he wasn't… His son's wife had cheate…
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'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

Imagine finding out that your former fiancé is now living in the house you always hoped to buy one day. Well, that's what happens when you turn down the wrong guy. This woman cheated on her future husband at her bachelorette party, panicked, and called off the engagement right before the ceremony. She ended up marrying her high school boyfriend (who just happened to be at that bachelorette party… not suspicious at all). Unfortunately, this left her ex with an unrevealed wedding gift: the dream…
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‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

How often do you think one should visit their grandparents? Of course, it depends on how far they live from them, but let us assume they live no more than an hour away. Should they visit once or twice a month, every week, or maybe even a few times a week? Regardless of your answer, this Reddit story might change your perspective on the subject at hand. The OP of the Reddit post wrote about a competition her grandfather decided to secretly hold between all the members of the family. Throughout t…
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'We call each other by our middle names on Christmas Eve': 20+ Holiday traditions that people thought were normal, but were actually unique to their family

'We call each other by our middle names on Christmas Eve': 20+ Weird holiday traditions that people thought were normal, but were actually unique to their family

Every family has their quirks, especially when it comes to creating holiday traditions . Even though Christmas specials on TV depict the day the same way, every family is quite different with how they celebrate the special day. On TV, the family might gather around the tree and open presents on by one. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, one person in this thread wrote that their family loves to let the kids open just one single present per hour. They get to open a gift, and then wait a…
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'Grandma got me a dollar store electric toothbrush': 40+ People who were startled by the presents they received on Christmas morning

'Grandma got me a dollar store electric toothbrush': 40+ People who were shocked by the terrible presents they received on Christmas morning

It's that time of the year to begin planning what you'll gift your friends and loved ones for the holidays. There are so many wonderful parts of the holiday season , and gathering with your favorite people for a meal and a gift exchange is one of those great times. Next up, “ Susan the Snack Stealer ” tried to pull some shenanigans at the office potluck, but her colleagues were ready to confront her-- as a group.
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karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

“I immediately wanted to call in sick,” this video game store employee wrote. What made them feel so ill? An advertisement! For those who have spent time in the trenches of retail work around the holidays, you know exactly how this person feels. No matter how much you enjoy your retail job during the year, when the holiday season comes around, customers begin to act feral.
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'Am I still in your phone as "Cool Grandpa"?': 20+ Grandparents on a wholesome quest to use the internet and text their grandkids

'Am I still in your phone as "Cool Grandpa"?': 20+ Grandparents on a wholesome quest to use the internet and text their grandkids

Grandparents are the best. They'll do anything for their grandkids , like buying them way too many toys, cooking delicious meals for them, and being their favorite playmate. Many kids grow up having their grandparents as babysitters, which creates a strong bond between them. These grandparents want to keep in touch with their grandkids , even once the kids turn into teens. But fear not, they aren't afraid to utilize technology to connect with their family. Their methods may be a tad unorthodox,…
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'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Man tells neighbors he'll sue if they renovate their home

'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Outraged dude tells neighbor he will sue if they renovate their home

This guy felt oddly entitled to his next door neighbor's home . There are a million neighbor feuds for this very reason: you can't really tell other people how to run their lives. Sure, you can try to cajole your neighbor to take down her Christmas lights now that it's April, or maybe you can talk a different neighbor into taking down the floodlights that blind you while you try to sleep at night. But it doesn't always go as planned, and in this guy's case, his neighbors retaliated against him…
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