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‘Grow up': 15-year-old professional photographer gets pressured by her grandma to shoot her uncle's wedding for free, she refuses then gets slandered in front of the whole family

Okay then, Grandma, why don't you give it a whirl and see how the photos turn out?
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'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

'Entitled Aunt Karen vs. southern Grandma': Greedy aunt stuns grandparents by telling them everything she wants included in their will

Tacky doesn't even begin to describe this aunt's wild behavior at her family member's home . If you visit your grandparents frequently, you get to know their house like the back of your hand. You probably cook with them or spend time lounging in their living room, and unexpected visits might be commonplace. But when a member of the family who keeps their distance suddenly shows up and tries to make themself at home, it's going to raise some eyebrows. This aunt was not even related to Grandma by…
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'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

One elderly customer got up on the wrong side of the bed the day they went to pay a retail employee a visit to complain. The grandma was livid that her phone wasn't working anymore, and it was only 3 months old, so she wanted a refund, thank you very much. The employee informed her that there were no refunds after 3 months, but the grandma didn't accept that as an answer. So, after making a scene, the employee took a look at the phone. They quickly discovered that it was just full — the grandma…
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Grandma leaves petty note in will to her mooching granddaughter: 'You still owe me $14'

Grandma leaves petty note in will to her mooching granddaughter: 'You still owe me $14'

Grandma really took the final opportunity she had to be petty. You have to hand it to this lady because she really stuck to her convictions until after the bitter end. Unfortunately, this Redditor's grandmother dealt with a ton of generational family issues and estranged relationships, but even with this drama, she took care of her troubled family members through it all. One of these family members, whom the Original Poster refers to as J, ran away from home yet kept asking granny for money eve…
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'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

This grandmother is putting her foot down.
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'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

Another day, another family drama. One person, who we'll call OP, shared an entertaining story about their upstairs neighbors who got even with a family member of theirs who took it one step too far. OP lived in an apartment complex with two-story buildings and shared outdoor stairwells. Their upstairs neighbors were seemingly calm, chill people to whom they said hello once in a while. One day, OP's peaceful reading session was shattered by a commotion - shouts, running, pure family hysteria. E…
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reddit family family-drama drama story moving-out moving rommates cousin aunt uncle kids brother siblings relatable family-stories family-tree relatable dad sister mom cousins parents freeloading

'[They] regret moving out': Freeloading family gets a taste of the real world after refusing to pitch in for groceries and bills

The only reason any of us are enduring our workday for the sake of a measly paycheck is because life is expensive. Watching our bills, groceries, car payments, and rent go up every month isn't exactly an encouraging reality, but only a deluded person would think that the luxuries in life (like a full fridge and gas in your car) would come without a price tag–but then again...
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old old-people old-lady lady grandma karen entitled bus disabled justice revenge put in their place deserved reddit mortified funny awesome story

'You ain't no thug': Hoodlum Karen gets mortified by a 4'11" granny after trying to intimidate a disabled person

If you're caught acting like a hoodlum in public, someone's grandma is probably watching from afar, reaching for the chancla of justice to come down on any wayward ruffian.
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories nuclear revenge grandma petty revenge family grandmother revenge-stories-reddit used car car salesman - 24338437

Guy sells grandma a used car, grandkids trick him into quitting his job for a fake one: 'Should have done your due diligence'

Few things are more sinister, in an everyday sort of way, than those people who try to pass damaged goods off as being without problem, preying on the trusting, unsuspecting, or unlucky in order to turn an incredibly unscrupulous profit. These used car sellers, house flippers, and scam artists can be found hiding in plain sight—trying to pass some painted cabinets, cheap laminate wood flooring, and a sloppier paint job off as a “full renovation”—or selling a car “without issue” on Marketplace o…
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'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

‘Your granny is a petty revenge master’
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christmas family drama gifts presents text message text grandma niece entitled family grandmother entitled people - 23854085

'That should be the end of Christmas presents for her': Niece reacts to grandmother's presents that 'aren't what I asked for'

This kiddo is all but guaranteed to wake up with coal in her stocking next Christmas. Every generation eventually finds themselves wondering about the kids these days. They're living out such a different version of childhood than the one you had while growing up. No matter which generation you're from, you probably spent it in entirely different ways than someone who's 20 or 30 years your senior. Older generations grew up in an era where you spent all day outside, and when televisions had three…
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family holidays holiday family-members parents family-dinner dinner holiday holidays home-for-the-holidays questions inquisition kids childfree kids grandpa grandma reddit sassy responses

'Why are you still unmarried/no children?': Single lady compiles an arsenal of quippy responses to use with family during the annual holiday inquisitions

Feel free to steal this juicy collection of sass, brass, and epic clap-backs.
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'Am I still in your phone as "Cool Grandpa"?': 20+ Grandparents on a wholesome quest to use the internet and text their grandkids

'Am I still in your phone as "Cool Grandpa"?': 20+ Grandparents on a wholesome quest to use the internet and text their grandkids

Grandparents are the best. They'll do anything for their grandkids , like buying them way too many toys, cooking delicious meals for them, and being their favorite playmate. Many kids grow up having their grandparents as babysitters, which creates a strong bond between them. These grandparents want to keep in touch with their grandkids , even once the kids turn into teens. But fear not, they aren't afraid to utilize technology to connect with their family. Their methods may be a tad unorthodox,…
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funny stories malicious compliance kids 1950s malicious-compliance-reddit grandma dinner Grandpa grandparents malicious compliance reddit - 23271173

'Bless her heart, Grandma stuck with that declaration': Woman keeps petty resolution for 50 years after husband tells her she 'should be home'

This hardworking mother let her husband look like a fool after he had some harsh words for her. It seems like her revenge was well-deserved! When this story happened, times were different. As u/pokey1984 writes, their grandmother was raising a bunch of kids , which is basically a full time job. Even when your kids are teenagers, you still have to cook, clean, help with homework, organize doctor appointments and rides to soccer practice… It's a never-ending list, and parents certainly don't get…
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'Grandma is a hoarder': Grandkid told to clean something of his from grandmother's fridge, maliciously complies and cleans the whole thing

'Grandma is a hoarder': Grandkid told to clean something of his from grandmother's fridge, maliciously complies and cleans the whole thing

Talk about an American Hoarder Story! This grandkid is a saint for finding just the right way to clean his grandmother's refrigerator, which was filled with expired food, without getting her frustrated. By planting one food item she despised in the fridge, she texted him to clean the fridge. She meant to just clean out the one item, but this Redditor took it upon himself to clean out the whole fridge and then some. He shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit.…
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'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

No one is going to have a better “bad haircut story” than this dude. Imagine: you go to get a haircut, and as you're sitting in the chair, a car races into the establishment, crashing just feet away from you! The dude in the video doesn't have to wonder, because it happened to him while this hairdresser was giving him a trim. As you can check out in this wild video below, a 90-year-old woman the driver behind the chaos. She reportedly hit a different car while leaving a fast food restaurant. Th…
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