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'You have to work for it': Incorruptible professor outsmarts an entitled dad when he tries to buy straight A's for his daughter

Welcome to the real world, Dad, where your grades are a reflection of your work ethic.
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'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

Kids these days… That's a sentence I hear often. 'They're always on their phones, they're not paying attention, they're not putting in the work'. Not all kids. But a lot. And I understand how frustrating it is for teachers and parents to discipline them. There are so many factors involved. One teacher was fed up with the current status and turned to Reddit to complain about what was happening in their school, and most likely in many more. They said that teachers were making things 'too easy' fo…
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‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

I can't begin to imagine what it's like to teach nowadays. I witness kids' behavior in public and it already infuriates me. I can't fathom what it's like to teach them. Here, let me tell you a story. One day, I was ordering a hamburger at a place, and in the line before me was a tired, worn-out dad, and his obnoxious child with their eyes glued to the phone. The dad had to repeat, 'What would you like to eat' about ten times before the kid stopped ignoring him and mumble-replied. Then the kid b…
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‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

Every kid wants to do well in school without actually putting in the hard work, or maybe that's just me. I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, nor did I put in the work and effort to get good grades, and looking back, I can see how annoying that must have been for the other students, especially when I was involved in a group project. Those were the absolute worst… One student got really petty after one of his classmates tried to take partial credit in a joint project after not doing a singl…
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'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

Hey there, Ms. Smith, if you're reading, yes, I one hundred percent was peeking at Sophie's test that time you pulled me aside and gave me a big fat zero with a smiley inside, just to be petty. You stared at me with your beady little eyes and breathed angrily into my face, and I in turn, totally lied and adamantly held my ground that I did not cheat on the test. Today, I'll admit… I was the kid who copied off of other students' tests. I did not take school seriously, and that did not change, ev…
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'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

Imagine taking a test where the factually correct answer was irrelevant and what actually mattered was saying what the majority of the class said. This might be a fun exercise. Perhaps it could be a lesson about plurality and group decision-making. However, facts should matter, and just because the majority of the students in a class may think that the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1776, that doesn't make it true. Just in case you're curious, the Constitution was devised in 1787, ratified i…
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'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

Lazy college professors should not be allowed to be strict. Like any social contract, everything should be a two-way street: if you're expected to deliver quality, they need to do the same. Otherwise, as far as we're concerned, the social contract is null and void. I remember when my high school teacher tried to solicit her students to contribute paragraphs that she would then compile into a research essay she was required to submit. We made sure that nonsense was shut down as soon as we could.
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'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

The only thing smarter than a student who follows a grading policy is the student who finds a clever loophole. This school needed to adjust its policies after too many athletes were seen failing their classes. So what were the teachers forced to do? Well, instead of the classic A-F scale, final grades were given on a number scale, where the only failing grade was a 1 (you could not get a 0). Additionally, all grades for some reason could only count tests. Perhaps this was a short-term solution…
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'There was nothing stopping him from enrolling in the course': Professor flunks himself and his own grandmother to comply with university's rules

'There was nothing stopping him from enrolling in the course': Professor flunks himself and his own grandmother to spite university's rules

This college is not a fan of “meaninglessly easy” courses, so they put some rules in place to halt them. However, this posed a problem for this professor, Paul, whose students actually did too well in their college class. U/Positive-Character98 shared a story to the r/MaliciousCompliance community. The story belongs to the professor at their college,
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'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

Every once in a while, a great teacher comes along and defends his students by way of some glorious malicious compliance.
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'My paper isn't long enough? K': College student gets back at rude professor by writing extra long paper and getting it published

'My paper isn't long enough? K': College student gets back at rude professor by writing extra long paper and getting it published

Sometimes, revenge can be a healthy motivator! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Wild_Butterscotch977 , a college student who received an A- simply because his paper was on the lower end of the assigned page range. Now, typically, I would not spend a breath of energy defending someone who is mad about an A-; however, the fact that the professor had no better reason for the grade and simply wanted to be difficult just goes to show that this was not a fair si…
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oh my paper isn't long enough? k.

College Student Told His Essay Was Too Short, Gets Revenge By Writing Extra Long Paper Next and Getting It Published

Revenge may not be the healthiest motivator, but it can help!
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If you don't want me to take advantage of your grading policy, then you shouldn't have had the policy that you did.

'He tells me I'm abusing his grading policy': College student knows worst grade will be dropped, only submits title page for next assignment

I mean, he was just following the grading policy!
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'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

Grading policies are meant to be followed; after all, that's all this student was doing! This college student had been performing well on all the previous assignments for a project and knew that the lowest grade would be dropped as that was what was written explicitly in the syllabus. Because of other upcoming finals, he had to make a tough decision and submit a subpar assignment (by subpar, we mean literally just the title page and a brief summary of the project) in order to prioritize the mor…
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‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

I'll be the first to admit, it's so deliciously fun to get back at a professor you dislike, for whatever reason. Sticking it to the know-it-alls is a satisfying feeling. Granted, this is the type of situation that could backfire, but in this case, it did not. A college student was on great terms with her professor until she wasn't. He'd belittled a very long paper she'd written, stating his utter disgust: ‘This is a pathetic excuse research-wise and a joke format-wise. He added that he would al…
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Leave me to do the project all by myself till 2am? Have fun panicking during the presentation!

'Sorry, can’t meet up and help': Student gets petty revenge on partner for group project after she blew them off

Here is further proof that group projects are the worst!
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