
got fired

getting fired failblog firing story I got fired firing employee fired employed fired AITBA manager job fired story how I got fired I fired them fired on spot workplace I got fired today Reddit got fired - 22901253

'You don't care? You can go not care at a different spot:' Restaurant manager fires server in front of coworkers, internet actually applauds him for it

Everyone should work in the service industry at least once in their life. It really puts things into perspective. If your ego is too big, it will for sure shut that down. If you're insecure and too shy, it will bring out a more assertive you. It might be painful and even traumatizing (I worked at a pizza place in college almost a decade ago and I STILL have nightmares that I'm accidentally missing a shift…), but it helps you understand how to function in a society a little better. Actually, a l…
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getting fired failblog firing story I got fired firing employee fired employed fired hr manager job fired story how I got fired I fired them fired on spot workplace I got fired today Reddit got fired - 22903045

'I became unemployed in 30 seconds': Customer service rep gets fired on the spot for unclear reasons, HR professionals confess 90% of firings are personality related

Have you ever been fired ? Usually, you get a little work review, whether you want it or not, and all of your failures are listed out and you're let go. If you're lucky, you'll get a severance package and can get on unemployment. But, honestly, who knows these days?! Companies just do whatever they want with zero empathy. For example, a recently fired customer service rep came to Reddit to vent about how he was fired on the spot with no obvious cause. He had been working there for a month and g…
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