
giving birth

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'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

The working relationship is built on respect, and that respect should go both ways. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, with some owners, executives, and managers seeing themselves as destined for greatness and, therefore, better than the rabble they employ. It's surprising and disappointing how prevalent this attitude and behavior is today—probably because it's still being encouraged by the executive-level relics from the 80s and their sycophants who worship their every move. But, contr…
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Ugh, Not Now!

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Getting Closer Every Time!

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Via Pleated Jeans

When You're About to Give Birth...

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Via Freaky_Naughty23

That's a Fair Point...

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Created by Chessolin

Liveblogging Your Labor - Welcome to 2013

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The One Bar is Killing Me

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Created by 559noob

Something tells me this wasn't a planned pregnancy

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Created by Megan

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