
gift card

‘No, it's mine': Teenager wins $1000 in town raffle, father and new wife demand she give it all to them

‘No, it's mine': Teenager wins $1000 in town raffle, father and new wife demand she give it all to them

As a teenager, winning prizes in a raffle is super cool. You get to buy all those things your parents won't give you or the clothes and jewelry they can't afford. But what if your parents need the money more than you do? What then? Well, I guess it really depends on the situation. And this particular situation feels really unfair considering adults need to own up to their actions and face the consequences. One teenager won $1000 in a town raffle, which she was really excited about. Her biologic…
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tip tips stealing stealing-tips thief deserved deserves karma instant-karma brewery bartender brewtender beertender beer thief wage-theft work working work-stories coworker payback revenge petty

‘I hope you enjoyed all my tip money': Brewtender uses a thrifty gift card worth $0.75 to get payback on a tip-stealing coworker

Do you ever wish you could take karma into your own hands? Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us opportunities to play with our tormentors, but for the brewery bartender in our next story, the karmic cookie crumbled in his favor after he caught a coworker red-handed stealing his tips.
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'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

You give someone your little finger, and they'll eventually take the whole hand. I learned the hard way that many people online are fishing for constant donations, and it usually isn't the ones who actually need it. I didn't really lose anything in the process, but I do wish I would have given certain things to people who would actually make use of them. One good-willed person's kindness went south after scouring ‘Free stuff’ groups online and offering 6 bags of clothing and food to a young fam…
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boss insurance employee belittle gift card reward auditor petty Horrible Bosses Reddit company - 24079621

'[It's] a slap in the face': Employee catches a multi-million-dollar mistake, company rewards her a $30 gift card as a thanks

We've all heard about the underwhelming gifts companies sometimes give their employees—whether it's a questionable free breakfast, an after-hours company party where you're expected to contribute a dish, or a mediocre pen. Those in corporate America have pretty much seen it all. However, one woman discovered a significant mistake in the company's finances that could have cost them millions of dollars. Going above and beyond, she thoroughly investigated the numbers and was proven right. Despite…
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'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

Not everyone is good at giving gifts. Obviously, for some people out there, it's their bread and butter. Their love language, if you will. If that's you, congratulations. However, the rest of us (myself included) were not born with the “good gift-giver” gene. As someone who was once gifted a dictionary and a pencil case holder for my 15th birthday, not to mention a DVD of Inside Out for my 21st birthday, I was not raised to be good at this. That's why when this time of year rolls around, I get…
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hilarious scammer email gift card trolling scam reddit thread Reddit funny - 23058693

'SHOW ME THE CODE': Woman trolls scammer for hours, turning away his request for gift cards with hilarious responses

We've all heard of the gift card scam via email. And if you haven't, maybe you should read this…
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'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

How bad would your drink have to taste before you start pouring it out on the ground ? This woman did just that, in a video she filmed herself, after getting a drink she disliked at a local coffee chain. Some coffee chains are woefully inept at making a drink. I stopped going to a local Dunkin because my order is just cold brew with cream, with light ice. Those are just three ingredients, and yet I never get quite what I've asked for. Sometimes they give me extra ice (are they spiteful of my li…
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'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

When faced with an arduous situation, do you cave and give in to an easy solution, or do you stand up, tough as nails, and return fire? The arduous situation in question, from OP's point of view, is that she was about to get caught stealing all the other roommates' stuff. And she had a total meltdown. But let's start from the beginning. As this story is told by u/CharmingUniversity98's point of view, we shall start there. Many years ago, back when OP was in college, they lived with 4 roommates.…
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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scammer contacts guy and he wastes time

Guy Prescribes Dose of Own Medicine to Scammer

It's the right thing to do.
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friend is always late and won't apologize, is given a gift card with no money

Constantly Late Friend Won't Apologize, Tastes Wrath of Decoy Gift Card

The ol' gift card runaround.
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Man mistakes his credit card for a gift card and then an expensive fail ensues.

Man Mistakes Credit Card For Gift Card, Expensive Fail Ensues

Oh man, that's a tough day.
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Fingers Crossed

gift card failbook - 8792855808
Via memewhore

The Sharpest Spoon in the Drawer

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Too Good to be True

gift card rumors scam Starbucks - 5327789824
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