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32 Elders from the Aging Generations Share Their Most Pivotal 'I'm Too Old For This' Moment

Concerts that start after 9 PM
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'That knee injury is going to come back to haunt you': 31 Elder Millennials lay down the facts of aging for younger generations

20-year-olds feel like they're invincible. Free of the shackles of their parent's rules and setting off into the world on their own, it's tough to fight the god complex that comes with your 20s. You're young, you're healthy, and you've got your whole life ahead of you! But guess what, your mid-life crisis is just around the corner…
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Gen X dude confronts his father after getting hypocritical advice about retirement: ‘He retired at 50… but [I'm 56] and should continue to work?’

We're all working to eventually retire, right? Apart from the 1%ers and people whose entire identity is entwined in their career, most of us just want to age out, cash in, head to Florida, and live out the rest of our days on the beach with a piña colada in one hand and a good book in the other.
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‘I sneezed and my back swore at me’: Gen X cringes over the realization that they're not young anymore

Who are these famous people?
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'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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'It was like one of those ancient radio things from the '80s:' Gen-Z flight attendants call the police because they think a walkman is a bomb

"I’M MORTIFIED. [The police] are laughing at me and I'm just like… It had wires and it was ticking!"
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You're Not Old Until You're My age

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Via Byron B

Thanks, Snapple

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It's Wedding Season!

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Time Flies Whether or Not You're Having Fun

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