getting fired

'[He] cost the company over $220k': Catalog designer lets boss sign off on un-mailable catalogs

'[He] cost the company over $220k': Catalog designer lets boss sign off on un-mailable catalogs

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

'You can't just tell a customer [to] Google it': Worker records himself getting fired, gets split reaction

'You can't just tell a customer [to] Google it': Worker records himself getting fired, gets split reaction

work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss bosses manager supervisor working quit fired getting-fired quitting calling-in company business stories first-job reddit

'Ummm you fired me?': Teenager gets fired for missing a shift to attend a funeral, then their desperate ex-manager begs them to return a month later

r-askhr, r-antiwork, unjustly-fired, fired-stories

'I got fired over [false] TikTok allegations': Unfair termination of young night shift nurse sparks others to share their stories of unjustly being let go

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele


‘Uno reverse card played’: New woodwork shop president fires employee for discovering insider theft, employee then tricks company out of $11,000 and wins $400

'The store is in violation': Store employee protects themself from new bosses who tried to make them quit

'The store is in violation': Store employee protects themself from new bosses who tried to make them quit

'Hope you don't need all of these supplies': Photographer gets fired over three-strike policy

'Hope you don't need all of these supplies': Photographer gets fired over petty three-strike policy, spends final two weeks sabotaging business

employment job fired jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace getting fired antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace - 23825413

'I didn't see a day off request': Worker gets fired after being scheduled when they weren't available

reddit work workplace cowoerks worker creepy employee employees boss manager supervisor working job business company new-hire fired quit salesman first-day sales office

'You're going to fire him or I walk': Top salesman gets a worrisome trainee fired on his first day after the guy reveals he's a creepy degenerate

getting fired fired roommate revenge petty revenge psycho roommate terrible roommate roommates - 23745029

'I got my dirty roommate fired': Woman gets back at messy roommate by getting him fired from his job

HR-deal, new-manager-deal, manager-training, reddit, failblog, r-work

'Out of spite... I decided to take a leave for a whole month': Manager in training told for 6 months she would not be hired, HR steps in with a sweet deal

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server

'They proceeded to fire me': Server cards belligerent underaged kid in her section and kicks him out, is fired after he leaves 1-star review

work workplace coworker worker coworkers employees employee boss manager supervisor working advice promotion fired promotions raise salary payback payday ceo

'I asked 37 times for a promotion': Employee follows his supervisor's advice to get a promotion, ends up irking the CEO and getting fired instead

workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses lay off employment in the workplace - 23587077

'1 month later I'm getting phone calls asking for help': Worker gets laid off by employer who panics after things go sideways