
getting fired

Guy gets fired after six weeks, charges company hundreds to get their equipment back: 'It was very liberating for me'

Guy gets fired after six weeks, charges company hundreds to get their equipment back: 'It was very liberating for me'

This former employee refused to go quietly. Unfortunately, he was let go after just six weeks at the company due to sudden mid-quarter layoffs. That meant with such little time at the company, he would not be able to put this on his resume as such a brief stint there most certainly would raise eyebrows rather than help him find work elsewhere. This, along with poor management and a toxic work environment, led him to ensure that his final acts would be petty. When he was asked to return his work…
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getting fired boss workplace-stories employee fired toxic-workplace manager job tales-from-the-workplace reddit story workplace Reddit employment - 24699141

'Within 15 minutes, I lost access to everything': Company celebrates employee's work anniversary only to fire him the very next day

As much as companies love to say that the workplace is just like a family, we all know that these people are not your family, sometimes they are not even your friends. Your boss doesn't see you as a family member, and they do not hesitate to toss you aside the moment you do not profit the company the way they expect you to. I don't know about your family, but it is definitely not how mine works. The employee on this Reddit story learned these facts the hard way. A mere day after the company cel…
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'You need to get me back online': Remote employee left with no internet at home after assuming company pays for it, then gets fired for blaming tech support

'You need to get me back online': Remote employee left with no internet at home after assuming company pays for it, then gets fired for blaming tech support

Instant karma is the best kind of karma. Nobody wants to see destiny play out slowly over time… We want karma now. One remote worker called up tech support on a Friday, just as the IT employee was about to head home. The worker was livid that their internet wasn't working, and they completely flipped out on the poor IT employee who hadn't done anything wrong. The worker explained that their internet wasn't working, and demanded IT fix it right that instant. After a couple of questions, the prob…
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23 Fire Memes for the Recently Fired Funemployed

23 Fire Memes for the Recently Fired Entering Their Funemployed Era

We're giving “funemployment” a whole new MEMEing! Hahaha Yeah…. Anyways, do people still use LinkedIn?
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'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Oftentimes, in life, it can be startling just how incompetent some people are, they may be incompetent even to the point of cruelty and you may be convinced that cruelty is their base and driving function. However, as Hanlon's Razor reasons for us, we should “ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Of course, this doesn't always apply when greed and lust for power are driving forces, though stupidity often plays into these decisions too. Stupidity or cruelty…
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Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

This employee's extracurricular activities were not a good look for the hotel's reputation. What's particularly funny about this story of an unprofessional employee getting justly fired is that it wasn't a coworker or manager who figured out what he was doing. In fact, it was another front desk agent at a totally different hotel. This agent was contacted by the bad employee, who was trying to book a 20-day stay using someone else's credit card information. The agent started to sense that someth…
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Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

There is a reason why kids are taught not to talk about people behind their backs. Of course, we do it anyway, but in professional settings, it almost always comes back to bite you in the behind. So when this director of a nonprofit decided to spread rumors about the web developer she worked with and to blame him for various problems she had, of course karma came back to rear its head. Not only was this woman slandering the web developer’s name, but he ended up finding out through family member…
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Boss lays off entire staff over text: '[We have] decided to close our operations. Effective today'

Boss lays off entire staff over text: '[We have] decided to close our operations. Effective today'

Sometimes, abrupt decisions need to be made, but in this case, a heads-up would have been nice. The fact that the head honchos in this scenario decided to wait until all staff had gone home one night only to shut down the store indefinitely at 9:28 pm already signals the incompetence of management. But of course, it only gets worse. With absolutely no warning, this toxic boss decided to notify the entire staff via text message that everyone was getting let go. What gets us is the hypocrisy of p…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work fired on spot workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24127749

New manager fires worker for calling out sick: 'Best of luck'

You're going to get sick. It's just going to happen—even those of us with an immunity of iron are eventually going to catch a stray bug that puts us down for a couple of days. Undoubtedly, even when the business moguls of the world manage to replace us with a bunch of robots, they're going to be sorely disappointed when those robots have glitches, bugs, and viruses that cause inevitable downtime.
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'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

You can push the limits all you want, but you'd better be prepared for the consequences. Some people work at the same place for so long that they get a little too comfortable. They start to feel immune to workplace rules and regulations. If you catch them bending the rules, they'll probably just give you a wink and a nudge because they think the higher-ups will have their back. Having friends in high places does help, certainly. But some people get fired for the silliest reasons anyway. For one…
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Worker Saves the Life of a Stranger on Their Commute, Ends Up Getting Fired for Being 1 Hour Late to Work

Folks like to stick to themselves on their commute– especially if you take public transit. But when there's an emergency and a person's life is at risk, the “first responders” always end up being the calloused strangers that we're accustomed to ignoring.
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Update: Employee refuses to change password, places the blame on another company: 'She was fired on the spot'

Update: Employee refuses to change password, places the blame on another company: 'She was fired on the spot'

Out of the many reasons an employee could get fired, this is one of the most preventable (and silly) reasons. It's never been more important to have strong passwords to protect yourself on the internet. Maybe 20 years ago it was okay to choose “password1234” as your entry code, but that'll never fly with today's advanced technology. As tech evolves, it requires more creativity to get into someone's email or computer. Even people who have had their passwords stolen before don't always take the p…
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'You won't be needed in the future:' Restaurant manager fires dishwasher after first shift for 'red flags' he deemed wholeheartedly fireable

'You won't be needed in the future:' Restaurant manager fires dishwasher after first shift for 'red flags' he deemed wholeheartedly fireable

It's not easy landing a job these days, the workforce is all kinds of crazy currently. So if and when you do manage to land a job, you should probably hold onto it the best you can, right? If it is a horrible work environment, the, by all means, quit. But if everything is going along just fine and you're getting paid and enjoy your coworkers, then why would you mess that up?
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'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

Getting fired on Day One is almost admirable. You have to be spectacularly ill-suited and woefully unfit to the position to mess things up that quickly and that obviously. Perhaps it's not your fault. Perhaps the recruiters did not make themselves clear from the get-go about what the expectations were. Perhaps both parties misread signals about one another's skills and preferences. Or perhaps it actually was your fault all along and you were fired for a reason. The lattermost scenario may be ra…
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'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist

'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist

It's remarkable what some bosses think they can get away with in this day and age. There are numerous ways in which employers have tried to cover their real reasons for firing someone. They might say it's budget cuts or some sort of company restructuring. Sometimes, that may actually be the case. However, there are times when someone higher up simply does not enjoy working with you or having to deal with you in some capacity. These coworkers, bosses, HR representatives, etc. will grasp at straw…
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'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

As a manager, you occasionally have to let someone go. A workplace never stays the same forever---people are hired, people quit, and people get fired.
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