
gen x

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

Each generation has things that make them unique, and collective memories that bring them all together. That's especially true for people who were born between the 1960s and 1980s, who spent a lot of time together playing outside and exploring the world by bicycle. U/Ruffffian asked the latchkey generation about the things that define them, and people had some excellent answers. Some people wrote in about the fashion trends of the time, like poofy hairdos teased to perfection and sprayed with a…
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'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

Every generation commits a few fashion faux pas that will be remembered fondly decades later. Maybe you were in the generation that couldn't get enough of massive hairstyles full of gels and aerosol hair spray . Maybe you were around for the days of velour jumpsuits, or the baggy oversized clothing trend. Even the youth of today cannot escape their own weird fashion moments. With the popularity of emojis, clothes covered in emojis are somewhat popular (and that did get hated on in the comments!…
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'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

Generation X are just built tough. They're known for their independence in childhood that led to them being self-sufficient adults---but that's not the only thing Gen Xers have in common with each other. Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s sounds so ideal. We're still celebrating movies, music, and culture from that generation---I mean, which version of Star Wars are we on now? Back then, screen time was a bit more limited for kids. They spent a lot of time outdoors, playing with friends and ridi…
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‘Moms in the '80s were built different’: Internet loves mom who went mafia-style on her daughter's bully and hired 2 kids his own age to “pick on”

‘Moms in the '80s were built different’: Internet loves mom who went mafia-style on her daughter's bully and hired 2 kids his own age to pick on

Parenting is a wild ride full of unexpected turns and decisions you never thought you'd have to make. In 2023, there are countless books, classes, online resources, and more to help you parent the best you can parent. But back the day, say the 1980s, it was a kind of “figure it out for yourself” thing. Sure you had other moms to give you advice and maybe a book or two from the library, but the psychology done on parenting was not something to be desired quite yet. So many moms just mom'd by fol…
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'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

Gen X , these memes are just for you. You're in the baby bust generation, sometimes called the MTV generation , of people who were born between the years of 1965-1980. Your boomer parents probably raised you to be independent and take care of yourself in life, allowing you to spend all day outside with your friends. You came home when the sun set — no helicopter parenting for your generation! Now that Gen Xers are in their late 30s to 50s, they're becoming parents and grandparents themselves. T…
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'Say what you want, hear what you don't': Older employee calls his Gen Z coworker “ugly” for getting bangs, she roasts him with epically witty one-liner comeback

Does anybody out there have an experience where HR actually stepped in and helped serve real justice? Because the internet is really convincing us that HR either does nothing or, more obviously, is only there to cover the butts of the company. Because of this department's incompetence, many of us have had to learn how to appropriately and professionally handle award situations in the workplace . And unfortunately, this tends to land on women. For example, one female employee did something that…
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millennials millennial gen-z gen-alpha millennizoomers gen-x boomers boomer baby-boomer ok-boomer touch-screen ask-reddit reddit reddit-thread thread agreement crazy

Millennizoomers Confess Things That the Boomers Actually Got Right

There are too many touch screens, iPad-dependent parents are screw ups, music is too loud, and everyone needs to get the heck off my lawn!
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30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

Gen X grew up spending their days outdoors. They also had a lot of cool tech back then, like cassette tapes , that just aren't popular anymore. Now that music is on everyone's phones and computers, no one needs a separate device made just for music. That's certainly something that many of us look back on wistfully. Playgrounds are another of those Gen X legends that almost seem too crazy to be true. Photos of the playgrounds from back them make them seem dangerous! Playgrounds just get safer an…
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'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes for Gen X

'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes that only Gen X will totally understand

The “latchkey generation” will understand these memes all too well.
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customer service ghost-quitting employee generational millennials i quit quit no-call-no-show gen x gen z workplace workforce quitting retail-jobs - 19947269

'Are they just [THAT] afraid of confrontation': Millennial boss sparks discussion about "ghost quitting" and whether it's a Gen Z thing or a minimum wage job thing

Shockingly, it appears that the Gen X and Millennials finally agree on something...
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Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Millennials are just so entitled
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HR-fail antiwork hr Toxic-HR human-resources-fail dumb blonde dumb-boss human resources bad-HR-Lady bad-HR Reddit toxic-work-environment boomer gen x - 19463173

‘Coworker keeps calling me a DUMB BLONDE’: 60-Year-Old Boomer HR Lady Keeps Harassing Employee, Boss Just Says She’s "Set In Her Ways"

When someone is harassing and bullying you at school, you can tell an adult. When someone is doing that to you at work, you go to the human resources department, aka HR. If HR is the bully… Then you can try telling your boss, but they hired HR so they didn't have to deal with that kind of stuff, so good luck! Unfortunately, that is what happened to one employee that turned to Reddit to share her story. She does her job well and all of her coworkers, and even her boss and upper management, respe…
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‘Gen Z Sucks’ : Baby Boomers Spark Debate on Reddit Thread Regarding the New Tech-Savvy Generation

‘Gen Z Sucks’ : Baby Boomers Spark Debate on Reddit Thread Regarding the New Tech-Savvy Generation

Are you ‘with the times', or are you a Boomer? It's kind of a given that generational differences are going to spark heated debates. Boomers hate Gen X who hate Millennials. But who do these three generations hate the most? Gen Z, of course. We live in an era where generations don't really mix all that frequently. Youngsters seek out the freedom that independent living offers as soon as possible. The internet is rampant (Ahem, Reddit) with generational debates, and as Gen Z yap on about the pri…
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woman starts a new job with a millennial as a boss and she has never been happier working somewhere, before she had only worked with boomers and Gen-X as management and she says it was the worst

'Now THIS is a boss!:' Woman Who Has Only Had ‘Narcissistic & Psychotic’ Boomer and Gen-X Bosses Shares Refreshingly Professional Email From Her New Millennial Boss

It's becoming more and more evident that the workplace culture that the Boomers set into effect many moon ago is not working anymore. So far the boomers are holding as tight as they can to it and Gen-X have been enforcing it. However, millennials are a different story. Millennials were told they could be whatever they wanted to be, but not told what the options were or how to obtain them. When they started to enter the workforce, they were called lazy, entitled, and many other things. So, mille…
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'It was like one of those ancient radio things from the '80s:' Gen-Z flight attendants call the police because they think a walkman is a bomb

"I’M MORTIFIED. [The police] are laughing at me and I'm just like… It had wires and it was ticking!"
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