
gen x memes

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Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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millennial elder boomer nostalgia nostalgic relatable childhood 90s 80s funny gen-x genx gen x

'I'm old now': 25 Moments when Gen X and elder Millennials comprehended their advanced maturity

"When I started sympathizing with the parents in teen movies"
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Gen X imparts valuable advice they wish they'd known as a youngster: 'Too much partying, not enough traveling'

Shoulda, coulda, woulda…
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80s 80s-memes memes meme millennial genx gen-x gen-x-memes childhood nostalgic relatable funny lol generation generations boomer elder-millennial boomers boomer comedy humor latchkey-kids latchkey nostalgia

A Time Capsule of 28 Nostalgic Memes to Transport 80s Kids Back to an Era Before Cell Phones

Simpler times
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