

Happy and gay all day long. Love yourself and enjoy all the upbeat humor you can handle.

Dating Fails: The Green Lantern is Gay, Ryan Reynolds Assures People That He is Not

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Via Seattle Times

I Mean If You're Into That...

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All in the Family

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Dating Fails: I Think That Makes You Gay...

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The Road to Hell Is Paved With Carpool Lanes

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Failbook: The Hunger Gays

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Created by Unknown

This ANALogy is WeakSauce, Bro

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Created by PadawanBritt

It's Still the Closet, But They Come Out in Twos and Threes

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Failbook: Also the Reason Why I Got a Sex Change

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Bros: Take Away the Fighting and the Briefs and You Just Have a Couple Sweaty Dudes Buttsecksing Each Other

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Bros: Jesus Is VERY VERY VERY Disappointed in You People!

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Maybe You're Just Not Attracted to the Girls From Sororities

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Bros: I'd Drop the Soap for You

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Bible Knowledge FAIL

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Created by jwissick

Failbook: AmeriFails

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Just Friends

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Via Reddit

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