

'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

If you have to pick one final boss to defeat, who's it going to be? Video game lovers know the concept of a final boss . After you've traveled through the first part of the level, beating monsters along the way, you get to the biggest, baddest villain of them all. It can take ages to defeat one of these dudes. In some games, the boss will end you dozens of times before you finally win. In others, you have to grind for gear or level up your armor before you ever have a chance at defeating that d…
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‘I gave your prize to someone else’: Woman wins basketball game tickets in a benefit raffle only to discover the donor has already given them to someone else

‘I gave your prize to someone else’: Woman wins basketball game tickets in a benefit raffle only to discover the donor has already given them to someone else

Most people never win a single thing in their entire lives. As kids, you do everything to get a prize of some sort, whether it is a stuffed animal in a fair or a silly trophy from a bingo game, it is always fun to win a prize just because. I never won a thing in my life, and I pretty much gave up on my hope to ever win anything, so I cannot begin to imagine how disappointing it might be to actually win something and have it taken away, like what happened to the person in this Reddit story. Afte…
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Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fans will stop at nothing to watch the game in a quiet and serene setting where they can fully immerse themselves in the action. Having said that, do you anticipate being interrupted when you visit a sports bar—a place where fans of various sports congregate to enjoy a lively game of sports—or do you assume the bar will make every effort to optimize the viewing experience? The story that follows is that of a sports enthusiast. The original poster (OP) watched the College World Series cha…
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'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a peg

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a notch

This person got back at their ex in a tiny but very irritating way. That's the way some relationships go: the couple breaks up, but they can't stop seeing each other. They get into a cycle of squabbling and making up, but that doesn't mean their relationship isn't toxic. u/ReSpekt5eva shared their story of dealing with an ex with whom they ended things, yet remained on friendly terms. They explained that this guy went to the same grad school they did, although he was a few years older than them…
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'You're done': Security guard comes to retail employee's rescue when customer demands a video game console that's out of stock

'You're done': Security guard comes to retail employee's rescue when customer demands a video game console that's out of stock

One person recalled a decade-old story about the time a customer came and had a total meltdown because Nintendo Wii had just launched, and it was understandably out of stock. People get really frustrated when things don't go their way, but some folk take it too far. I don't know what happened in this particular man's life to make him so bitter, but it's no excuse… retail employees deserve respect, just like anyone else. So, back to the story — the employee in question was working in a store sel…
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'His friends are wheezing from laughter at this point': Customer tries to outsmart store policy, embarrasses himself in front of cashier and friends

'His friends are wheezing from laughter at this point': Customer tries to outsmart store policy, embarrasses himself in front of cashier and friends

You buy it, you break it … wait, that's not right. A lot of stores have the policy of making you purchase an item if you break it. It's often found at antique stores or vintage shops, or other shops that are crammed with fragile items. Some of them make you carry your backpack on the front of your body, or leave your bags up front, to make sure you don't accidentally swipe something off a shelf. Accidents happen, and sometimes things just topple to the ground, making for an irritating purchase…
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‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

City halls are notorious for being stuck up, but this one really takes the cake. This chess club had eagerly prepared for their opening night, rented a venue (their city hall), and arrived with everything they needed to play chess, which would be chess boards and pieces. Somehow the fact they brought their own things became a huge deal. Their excitement turned into dismay when they were unexpectedly approached by a dude working for city hall. He peeked in, noticed their things, and asked where…
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'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

“I could not miss this game,” admitted one guy who's probably about to get dumped. This guy decided to post to r/AmItheA****** with a question: “AITA for abandoning my girlfriend on top of a mountain?” In case commenters felt hasty to judge, u/moneytreesplease clarified that they know their summary sounded bad, but “it wasn't even a big mountain.” Well in that case, carry on. As a weekend hiker, this dude thought it'd be fun to get a quick hike in. Usually, they go alone, while their GF stays i…
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'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

This isn't the way one D&D player imagined their campaign ending. It's all thanks to their inconsiderate roommate, who is seemingly focused more on her new BF than her current friend group. Falling in love is wonderful and crazy. Love makes people act in ridiculous ways. You've probably experienced this yourself. Maybe your high school best friend suddenly partnered up and stopped hanging out with you every day. Or maybe your friend starts canceling all of your dinner dates so that she can spen…
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karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

“I immediately wanted to call in sick,” this video game store employee wrote. What made them feel so ill? An advertisement! For those who have spent time in the trenches of retail work around the holidays, you know exactly how this person feels. No matter how much you enjoy your retail job during the year, when the holiday season comes around, customers begin to act feral.
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games RPG malicious compliance tabletop games funny story gaming RPGs fun story video games dungeons and dragons - 23363589

'We outsmarted an ancient Red Dragon': DND players outwit dungeon boss with nerdy malicious compliance

Role-playing games offer us a chance to escape our own perspective within a structured world with a unique set of rules by adopting a new perspective within a structured world with a unique set of rules—and what's not to enjoy about that? After all, there are plenty of people who play games that are essentially chore simulation machines, and pretty much all games in some way seek to simulate the effects of completing important tasks by tapping into the reward centers of our brains. So, with all…
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'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

This person was just trying to follow the rules . But that didn't matter at all to the store they worked for. At every job, there are specific rules that you have to follow. Sometimes you can bend the rules a bit to make your life easier. But some things are too important to mess around with. Age restricted items would probably fall under that second category. This person, u/PM_ME_UR_DIPLOMA, had a story for r/TalesFromRetail on this very subject. They write that while working at a video game s…
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AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

The best part about being a child is playing imaginary games with your friends, parents, or siblings. One day you're a riotous pirate, the next day you're a princess in a tower, and the day after that, you can be a mermaid on a beach. With your imagination, you can go anywhere and be anything.
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fantasy games gaming Memes role playing dungeons and dragons memes funny dungeons and dragons - 16206085

Dungeons And Dragons Memes To Cast On Self

What's so great about reality anyway? Sure, it's where we live, but enough of us have lived in crappy apartments and worse towns to know that real life sometimes doesn't cut it. Here are some Dungeons and Dragons memes to tide you over until your next session, which hopefully you can schedule within the next few weeks if Bryan can get his stupid life together and show up this time.
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impressive crazy games awesome chess Video win - 106811137

World Chess Champion Displays Mind Blowing Memory

What doesn't this guy remember.
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employee lets kids run Pokémon league, kids get paid eventually

Negligent Employee Gives Pokémon League Duties to Random Kid, Kid Gets Back Pay

What a time to be alive.
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