
workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job toxic-boss job posting Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20376325

'You look like a tattoo parlor experiment gone wrong': Tone-deaf job posting includes long list of demands, internet reacts

21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who were incorrect about basic information

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who shared their impressively dumb ideas out loud

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'The price of rugs': 20 adulting realities that caught folks completely off guard

'Rare plant growing from tennis ball': 20 Silly items for sale online

'Rare plant growing from tennis ball': 20 Incredibly silly items that were really for sale online

This is my Christmas present from my boss. I’m a 41-year-old man, and neither my first nor last names start with T.

'Sometimes a gift is more offensive than no gift at all': Boss gets employee horrible Christmas gift that proves they don't know his name

The time I ruined my high school teachers career and got her fired in the greatest way possible.

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words

Kevin thinks he can speak every language in the world

'Kevin thinks he can speak every language in the world': Cringy dude believes he's 'impressing' foreign clients, embarrasses coworkers instead

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Top Five Karen Stories of the Week (May 3, 2023)

'We sent 10,000 copies of a useless calendar to a client': 20+ People who are face-palming over their coworkers' mistakes

'We sent 10,000 copies of a useless calendar to a client': 20+ People who are face-palming over their coworkers' mistakes

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 2, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 2, 2023)

25 Quirky memes that are all too relatable

25 Quirky memes that are all too relatable

'Who Put You In Charge?' 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

'Who Put You In Charge?': 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

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20+ Funny Exam Fails From Students Who Clearly Didn't Study

'I told my kids that I was the original Road Runner': 30+ Hilarious anonymous confessions

'I told my kids that I was the original Road Runner': 30+ Hilarious anonymous confessions

Reddit, what's your best/funniest personal example of petty revenge?

'I put glitter in my friend's laundry': 20+ People share their funniest petty revenge stories