
'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

entitled parents funny stories funny-internet-stories tales-from-the-workplace workplace tifu funny Parenting Fail parents - 21597957

'An anonymous individual began stealing my sandwiches': Dude accidentally feeds sandwich stealing child a really spicy sandwich

‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

images FAIL marketing expectations vs reality food funny expectation vs reality funny-fail-image - 21583365

20+ Misleading packaging and items that overpromised and failed to deliver

'Have fun making 180 extra large pizzas': Pizza employee processes prank call orders to get back at boss

'Have fun making 180 extra large pizzas': Pizza employee processes prank call orders to get back at boss

25 Strange Subway Sightings

25 Strange Subway Sightings

'He just took the printer and threw it out of the window': 15+ Employees share their most extraordinary days at work

'He just took the printer and threw it out of the window': 15+ Employees share their craziest days at work

Servers Discuss Goofiest Requests From Customers at Restaurants

Servers Discuss Goofiest Requests From Customers at Restaurants

Top Hilarious Reasons People Gave for Quitting Their Jobs

Top Hilarious Reasons People Gave for Quitting Their Jobs

15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

'There was nothing stopping him from enrolling in the course': Professor flunks himself and his own grandmother to comply with university's rules

'There was nothing stopping him from enrolling in the course': Professor flunks himself and his own grandmother to spite university's rules

20+ Employees and their coworkers who made large errors at work

'He manages to destroy more than $2 million in material': 20+ Employees and their coworkers who made giant mistakes at work

Top 15 Wholesome Pickup Lines of the Week (July 24, 2023)

Top 15 Wholesome Pickup Lines of the Week (July 24, 2023)

25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

'Forget you're never loved': 25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

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Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps

'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps