

We Gather Today to Mourn the Wacky, Wavy, and Inflatable

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The Most AMERICAN Thing Ever is This Biker Getting Buried With His Hog

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Recruits on the Line of Duty Say Goodbye to Their Favorite Stash

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Yes, That is a Hearse Trying to Make a Stop at a KFC

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Double Bro 7

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I Think You Can Guess How It'll Go

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Don't Jinx Her!

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Profit and Loss

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Paying Your Last Respects FAIL

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There Are Some Places Where Swag is Not Appropriate

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Too Soon, Dude!

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There's a Flaw in Your Plan

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He Wanted to Be Buried With It

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This Actually Happened. I'm Dead Serious.

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They Had to Have a Closed Casket Funeral

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Doctor Who the Hell Are You?

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