

A self-important Karen makes a tech support employee drive out for an easy fix, so the tech support employee quits.

Self-Important Karen Makes Tech Support Drive Out For Easy Fix, Tech Support Quits

Completely understandable deep frustration.
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entitled irresponsible dad borrows car, crashes it and then sells it

Dirtbag Dad Crashes Son's Car And Sells It

Alright, that's like some modern Shakespearean tragedy BS.
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people bragging about their intelligence

Pompous "Geniuses" Who Need A Prescription For Chill Pills

Just chill out, man.
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entitled people

Entitled People Who Made The World A Less Friendly Place

Oh man.
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A collection of mildly infuriating images that can grind people's gears like none other.

Mildly Infuriating Images That Grind All The Gears

Enough is enough, seriously.
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People describe the dumbest arguments that they weren't able to win.

The Dumbest Arguments People Just Couldn't Win

There's no winning with some people.
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misfortune, chaos, mistakes and failures

Misfortune Monday: We Gotta Roll With It

What else is there to do?
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petty revenge stories people got on bad naighbors

Petty Things People Did To Combat Nasty Neighbors

Loathe thy neighbor.
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vegan employee refuses to deliver food with meat in it

Unreasonable Vegan Employee Refuses To Deliver Food With Meat In It

Why take the job, then?
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Coworker keeps trying to trick vegan coworker, cries when she won't eat her "vegan" cake

Vegan Employee Refuses To Eat Suspicious Cake, Coworker Cries

What ever happened to not bothering people.
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Annoying lunch policy malicious compliance revenge

Office Tattler Gets On Employee's Case Over Lunch Policy, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Thanks, Mindy.
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cringeworthy bragging people who think they're smart

Cringeworthy Mind Tyrants Who Think They're Geniuses

Why do people have to be like this.
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scams normalized by society

Everyday Scams That People Accept As Legit

Trust no one.
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annoying things people make their whole personality

Frustrating Things People Turn Into Their Whole Personality

Like, chill out dude.
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A collection of giveaways that someone's a rich and snobby person.

Giveaways That People Are Rich Pricks

We've all met one of these fine folks.
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moments of chaos and misfortune

Misfortune Monday: Life Is Just Like This

Thanks, life.
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