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Foster family decides 16-year-old adoptee's name is too short, tries to rename him: 'They don't like calling me Nico. So they call me Nicholas'

It really should go without saying that you can't just go around renaming people just because you don't like their name for some reason. Even if—no, especially if—that person is a foster kid under your care. Some things like this are so outrageously laughable and out-of-pocket that they would be silly if they weren't so cruel… This 16-year-old foster child found himself facing hostility from his new foster family's extended family, who apparently came to the decision that his name, “Nico,” was…
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reddit neighbor neighbors neighborhood aita dog dogs rescue rescued canine pooch golden retriever wholesome foster rescue-dog stories

‘He's family to me now’: Kindhearted neighbor saves a golden retriever when the couple next door abandons it in the yard on moving day, when they come to reclaim the dog 6 months later, she refuses

Not all heroes wear capes
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'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

Fostering or adopting kids in need of a home is one of the most honorable things a family can do. If every family could open up their home for one kid, the world would definitely be a better place. But even if a family does adopt a child, it only means the hard work has just begun. Even if it seems like the hard part, the adoption part is just the beginning, as now the family has to work together to make sure their new addition feels comfortable and happy in their new home, while also making su…
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12 text based reddit images, foster wants to keep dogs drama | thumbnail background two small golden puppies hugging each other "Posted by u/rose-ramos 1 day ago 389 Adopting two dogs; foster mom is being very clingy and trying to talk me out of it. Help? [Help], My wife and I are adopting two dogs from a rescue we're both fond of. The foster mom doesn't seem to understand boundaries; she will text and call me multiple times a day, including on Christmas Day,

Sus Woman Fostering Dogs Begs Adoptive Parents To Let Her Keep The Pups, Unpleasantry Ensues

Not a super comfortable situation
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