

'I was hungry': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it

'I was hungry and unwilling to wait': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it, she says it 'ruined her cooking project'

This person is going to have to do a lot of grovelling to get their wife to forgive them. When your spouse has a hobby , you should support them however you can. What better way to keep your marriage happy than to have both parties doing things they love and being encouraged by their significant other? It means a lot when your loved ones care about your hobbies — you want them to be enthusiastic that you're doing something fun. For this woman, cooking has become not just a hobby but almost a fu…
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bee, bee swarm, bees, swarm of bees, street food, thai, thailand, exotic, travel, fail, viral, food poisoning, food, food fail, foodie

Not the Bees!! Street Food in Bangkok is Swarmed With Bees, But Still Looks Delicious Enough to Catch a Flight to Thailand Instead of Catching Food Poisoning

Bee suit is not included in the price of a plane ticket
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