
food service

'You failed to pay me but I'm the bad guy?': Employee fired for complaining about a bounced paycheck from her employer

'You failed to pay me but I'm the bad guy?': Employee fired for complaining about a bounced paycheck from her employer

We all look forward to payday. Whether by direct deposit, check, or cash, depositing the hard-earned money and seeing your banking balance go up is extremely satisfying. You put in the grueling hours of work, so you deserve to finally be compensated. But has your place of employment ever failed to pay you? Or what about this: they gave you a check for the hours you put in, only for the check to bounce when you go to deposit it.
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fast-food food food-service service service-industry customer customer-service payback revenge petty reddit teen teenagers lesson

'It cost his parents £50... [so] he was in trouble': Fast food employee gets payback against a band of disrespectful teens by 'accidentally' throwing away a prized possession

Usually once you've worked in the service industry, you learn how to be a good customer. Oftentimes, you'll learn how to respect your server, clean up after yourself, and generally be a half-decent human being while you're enjoying food at a restaurant. You'd think that it would be a natural reflex to be polite to the person handling your food supply, but for the disrespectful types, tormenting your server is a prize-winning sport.
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'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

No offense to this woman, but if you're in a super big rush , why are you stopping at a restaurant? We've all been there: you're out on the go somewhere, maybe between jobs or between meetings, and you suddenly get that rumble in your stomach. When you're hungry, every restaurant looks appealing. If you have an hour or two to spare, stopping into a sit-down dining establishment is a great way to have a break and refuel.
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waiters confusing waiter customers food service confused kitchen mildly infuriating food eating waitress dining couple cracker dinner barrel salad - 23041029

'Several things happened that made us frustrated': Dining couple can't get through to waitress, internet divided about who was in the wrong

When you don't want fast food but also don't want to pay $35 for an entree, it might be time to head to a chain restaurant. The prices of everything these days have gone up to utterly comical levels. While looking to find a nice dinner at a spot in Manhattan, I found one place that looked stunning. Then, I took a peek at their menu to find that the cheapest item was an $18 appetizer of potato chips. Just let that sink in: nearly $20 for potato chips, as the cheapest menu item . I weep for the f…
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'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

It must be difficult to be a barista if you don't like to make coffee. Or to be clear, it seems like some baristas look down on anyone who doesn't like their coffee black. They seemingly have a personal vendetta against the vast majority of coffee drinks who don't want their bean juice to be bitter and scalding. Lots of people love frappes or lattes or any number of blended coffee drinks, and this love is fueled by social media “secret menu” hacks. When social media was in its younger years, a…
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customer support customer service karens job server waiter karen-customer work customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service karens in the wild workplace entitled tales from your server karen entitled people service industry idontworkherelady - 22993413

'YOU SHOULD BE SERVING ME': Bookstore worker on a coffee break accosted by raging Karen who thinks she works there

Karens have the uncanny ability to identify, single out, and berate people who work customer service jobs, accosting them with wanton fury regardless of whether or not they even happen to be working at that time—or are even employed by that place at all.
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malicious compliance food service service Horrible Bosses fast food service industry - 22992901

'I went on foot': Fast food worker without a car sent home to shave, takes his time

Most entry-level and low-paying jobs have the uncanny ability to be consistently and overly pedantic about employee appearance. Especially when you're not even customer-facing, it's hard to believe that it's not more about their control over you than the actual appearance.
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'He prints out the receipt and... sees I left 10% [tip]': Waiter protests small tip after providing poor service to customers

'He prints out the receipt and... sees I left 10% [tip]': Waiter protests small tip after providing poor service to customers

It's time to dive into the tipping debate . Should you tip every time you eat at a restaurant? Many people, myself included, would say yes. It's not that we enjoy tipping, especially during these times of high inflation and being asked to tip for tons of services these days. But tipping is a necessity for waiters and waitresses, and it's a good feeling to reward someone who has done a good job taking your order and bringing you your food and drinks. But what if the waiters do a bad job ? What i…
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customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job server waiter work customers waiting i quit quit customer talesfromyourserver food service service workplace Horrible Bosses tales from your server quitting employment service industry in the workplace - 22976773

'I won't be in today and I won't be back': Restaurant worker quits 20 mins after the start of their shift with explosive text message to boss

When this restaurant worker was running late for their shift, their manager reached out to ask if they were coming in, probably not realizing that the simmering heat of anger that had been bubbling below the surface was about to boil over. After a series of unmet promises, unrealistic expectations, and even being cheated out of pay, this restaurant worker was more than happy to call it quits. The reason they were late to their shift in the first place was that they had actually been interviewin…
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'I'll make the quesadillas exactly as ordered, but you pay the dry cleaners': Cheap manager changes restaurant recipes, gets covered in molten cheese in front of his corporate bosses

'I'll make the quesadillas exactly as ordered, but you pay the dry cleaners': Cheap manager changes restaurant recipes, gets covered in molten cheese in front of his corporate bosses

A restaurant manager decided he wanted to cut costs on quesadillas, starting by using crepes instead of tortillas. That's probably because he had basically no real-world experience running a restaurant. Instead, he'd just taken a cooking course, then decided to cut costs at the restaurant in the quickest and easiest way he knew how: by making the food taste worst. Whether you're at a five star restaurant or a hole in the wall food shack, the quality of the food matters above all else. If your h…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job server waiter work waiting talesfromyourserver food service service workplace Horrible Bosses tales from your server employment service industry in the workplace - 22840581

'I don't even get a chair': Restaurant manager won't let hostess sit following surgery

"Comfort equals laziness" is an attitude that is pervasive throughout certain industries, with the idea that a comfortable employee is an unproductive one and that relative comfort is somehow offputting, prompting employers in these industries to treat their workers with cynicism and hostility.
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'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Quirky customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

When you go out to eat at the same place over and over again, it's often because you love everything about the restaurant. Maybe it's a pizza parlor with red booths and perfectly crispy pizza. Or perhaps you enjoy a quiet fancy restaurant where the appetizers are delectable and the conversations last for hours. However, some people enjoy going to the same restaurant on repeat for another reason—they've “taught” the staff members exactly how they like their food to be prepared . Whether these cu…
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cringey workplace-stories jobs waiters job waiter work coworkers customers cringe food service workplace food eating waitress cringeworthy tales from your server dining dumb humor kids customer entitled - 22823429

'I don't want my server to have a sense of humor': Waitress faces online backlash for her jokey sense of humor with customers

This waitress wanted to share a story about a family interaction at her job, but commenters took the customers' side! The OP has a few memorably cringe lines. If a waiter ever handed me water and in the same breath told me about how it had “came out of the dinosaurs years ago. [It's] just filtered super well," I'd hesitate to eat there. What a weird thing to say about a fresh beverage! Perhaps one of the worst ways to make water sound appetizing is to remind the customer of how water filtration…
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customer service malicious compliance server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry - 22816005

'I literally dropped the tray of drinks': Defiant server maliciously complies to manager's demand

Service industry workers live hard and die by the same credence, having long ago had their garden of farks scorched by an onslaught of unruly customers, temperamental chefs, and unreliable restaurant managers . They're a hard, complex, and colorful bunch, often seeking reprieve from their demanding careers in all the wrong sorts of places. But it's one of those lifestyles that feels good until it isn't, and when the bottom card gets pulled out of the house, and the entire thing comes crashing d…
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'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee labels restaurant food to pass an audit

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee maliciously complies with labelling restaurant food to pass an audit

Who said complying with the rules can't be a little fun? One employee told their story of their coworker's malicious compliance when their bosses started demanding they label every little thing. Food service workers have a lot to juggle. This person, u/Dra5iel, shared that they and their coworker both worked at a restaurant chain. Along with prepping food, cooking it, plating it for customers, and cleaning up, back of house staffers have enough on their plates already (pun intended!). When the…
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'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their first day of work

'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their very first day of work

These people had a sneaking suspicion they weren't going to like their new job . So they quit ASAP---many of them quit right after their first shift. There are a lot of clues that can tell you if a company is a good place to work or not. For example, if you go through the interview process and the steps are clear and the company is communicative, that's a good sign. But imagine you show up to an interview , and there are dozens of other people there. Hmm, that's the first sign. Then, you and al…
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