food delivery

 packages package delivery food delivery delivery driver mildly infuriating annoying infuriating Irritating stories

20+ Delivery dilemmas that left customers confused: 'Delivery driver sent me a photo of my parcel mid-air... he frisbee'd it'

'He's going to call the store manager and complain': 15 Pizza delivery workers share their worst tipping customer stories

'He's going to call the store manager and complain': 15 Pizza delivery workers share their worst tipping customer stories

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'Stakeholders want to bleed us dry? ...Ok': Pizza parlor gets price gouged by 40% by a food delivery company, then they use the company's deliveries as free advertising for far cheaper ‘in-house’ deals, scoring a slew of regulars as a result

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

neighbors neighborhood-drama petty food delivery mildly infuriating entitled Reddit police - 25758981

'They took a full report before insisting on delivering my property—a completely melted Slurpee': Neighbors call cops on guy housesitting next door because his food was accidentally delivered to their house

'Driver ate my food': Top Food Delivery Fiascos of the Week (April 24, 2024)

'Driver ate my food': Top Food Delivery Fiascos of the Week (April 24, 2024)

'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

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Entitled Karen demands delivery driver shovel her snow-laden driveway: 'I left her a message in the snow'

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

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'[I went] back outside and my car was missing': Pizza guy gets towed instantly by predatory towing company while delivering to apartment complex

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