

flight attendant business class rude customer vice president toxic-workplace malicious compliance horrible-management petty revenge entitled-passenger Horrible Bosses flights airplane service industry - 19806725

'My boss said upgrade him if there is room, so I made sure there wasn't' : Flight attendant maliciously complies with boss, upgrading 5 random passengers to business class, revoking rude passenger's free upgrade

Flight attendants see the good, the bad, and the ugly. To be fair, anyone working in the service industry gets access to the entitled side of the world. This employee was working as a flight attendant at a regional airline and had enough of her usual, disgruntling encounters with a rude, entitled traveler who happened to have ties to her boss, VP Karen. One day he arrived, pompous as ever, demanding to be upgraded to business class. He didn't have a coupon, which was necessary in order to recei…
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'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

Put incompetent management and a travel budget in the same room, and this will be the result. This man's company wanted to save £80 on a work trip he had to go on, and being one of the biggest security companies in the world, they could have easily absorbed the cost, no question. But alas, someone in the head office wanted to talk a big game, and look good, possibly to get that promotion they so dearly desired. So they looked at cutting travel costs and changed OP's flight. Apparently, this per…
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This Long-Exposure Shot of a Boeing 757 Taking Off Looks Like a Runway in the Sky

planes flights - 7994184704
Via Kris Klop
advertisements airlines airports flights flying planes - 56493569

From the Awesome Department: British Airways Billboard Interacts With Flights as They Pass Overhead

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A Picture of Economy Class on a Pan-Am Flight in 1960

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