
flight attendants


'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

If you have ever flown before, then you should be well aware of the in-flight edict. You can try and pull the ‘ole switcheroos with seating, nobody is really against that. But you need to approach it with zero expectations. You are not entitled to that seat switch. And if you are considering asking someone to switch seats with you, then you have to come to them with an upgrade, not a window seat for a middle, or ask for a front seat with more legroom and offer a middle seat by the bathrooms. Li…
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1990s getting old queen wtf flight attendants bomb squad millennials bohemian rhapsody lol gen x feeling old gen z walkman funny police tiktok 1980s - 17754629

'It was like one of those ancient radio things from the '80s:' Gen-Z flight attendants call the police because they think a walkman is a bomb

"I’M MORTIFIED. [The police] are laughing at me and I'm just like… It had wires and it was ticking!"
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