flight attendant

‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first-class window seat is forced to move when man flying with dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with dog

‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first class window seat is forced to move when man flying with a dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with the dog

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

karens flight attendant flight karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 38252549

'Let me see your boarding pass': Karen tries to steal passenger's seat and make him sit in her middle seat for 100% full 3 hour flight

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

Entitled Karen gets owned after she assumes she is ‘The Most Important Person on the Plane’, fellow passenger retaliates in an "everybody clapped‘ moment

‘First class Karen‘ goes haywire when other passengers share the overhead bin above her seat, fellow traveler amusingly retaliates with one sentence

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

Entitled Male Karen pays for second seat on airplane for extra space, demands refunds when he learns the plane is mostly empty

Entitled Male Karen pays for second seat on airplane for extra space, demands refunds when he learns the plane is mostly empty

entitled airplane Karen causes seating fiasco when woman's assigned seat is between Karen and her husband, gets accusatory and downright nasty as a result

Airplane Karen complains through entire 5-hour flight because woman was sat between her and her husband, accuses woman of 'cheap[ing] out’ on flight tickets

Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

Entitled kid kicks back of passenger's seat on red-eye flight, cue petty payback: 'Have a nice flight!'

‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

entitlement drama entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit funny aita flight attendant job passenger airplane couple - 26157573

Entitled passenger demands middle seat between couple, throws a fit when flight attendant gets involved: 'We had been sitting there for almost 5 hours'

'Think of the baby!': Passenger claims 3 seats on the plane and refuses to make space for a mother with a baby despite flight attendant's request

'Think of the baby!': Passenger claims 3 seats on the plane and refuses to make space for a mother with a baby despite flight attendant's request

Karen shames passenger for sitting in the wrong seat, he ends up with enviable leg room: '[I] don't really feel like offering anyone the space'

Karen shames passenger for sitting in the wrong seat, he ends up with enviable leg room: '[I] don't really feel like offering anyone the space'

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