
 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane karen entitled people entitled entitled people karma books reading

Entitled airline passenger gets up 13 times during flight to get back at seat mate, seat mate gets petty revenge: 'I can't fathom the... entitlement'

 friendship aita friends family roommates family vacation vacation beach cooking meals Travel flight airplane

College student abandons entitled friend's family after they make her their personal vacation worker for 9 people: '[The parents] did a double-take seeing me on the beach'

 Babies toddlers airport flight seating seats plane passenger twins flights airplane flying

Mother of 3-year-olds twins refuses to parent them during 5-hour flight: 'The couple next to me moved'

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane

Early-morning airplane passenger tries to get entire row of seats to herself: 'You’re never obligated to move'

 airport flight seating seats askreddit plane passenger entitled flights airplane entitled people flying

20+ Flight attendants who clashed with their entitled passengers: 'I know there's a call button there, but don't ring it 15 million times'

 airplane plane perfume seats seat passenger flight mildly infuriating stories

Oblivious woman sprays perfume on airplane, passenger confronts her: 'I'm enveloped in a... sweet cloud'

 neighbors smell burger seating seats plane smelly Travel airplane flight fried fast food Tags

Entitled plane passenger demands seatmate get rid of their meal: 'I finally told her... she's out of luck'

karen karens karen-story stories flight flying drama plane airplane airport travel traveling passenger holiday holidays new-year 2025 new-years nye reddit thread

'I’ll wait': Karen steals a window seat from a holiday traveler who puts her in her place then publicly shames her entitlement with stoic patience

‘Not all disabilities are visible… Merry Christmas!’: Stroke survivor pre-boards his flight while traveling for the holidays, impatient mother shames him for moving too slowly

‘Not all disabilities are visible… Merry Christmas!’: Stroke survivor pre-boards his flight while traveling for the holidays, impatient mother shames him for moving too slowly

karens flight attendant flight karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 38252549

'Let me see your boarding pass': Karen tries to steal passenger's seat and make him sit in her middle seat for 100% full 3 hour flight

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane bags bag malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit Tags

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Power-tripping airport security employee has to "bite his tongue" after traveler outsmarts him

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: ''This isn't a bus!'

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: 'This isn't a bus!'

 Flight flights flying passenger airplane plane aita family family drama

'[I'm] not buying my wife a plane ticket': Spouse refuses to let wife go on vacation while she recovers from high debt

29-year-old refuses to give up first class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

29-year-old refuses to give up first-class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

'What is up with these lunatics?': Male Karen boomer throws fit when injured younger passenger gets to board flight early, gate agent comes to younger guy's defense

'What is up with these lunatics?': Male Karen boomer throws fit when injured younger passenger gets to board flight early, gate agent comes to younger guy's defense

'Fine. Cancel the trip. The whole thing': Entitled Karen denied early boarding on flight, threatens to cancel the trip, gate agent maliciously complies

'Fine. Cancel the trip. The whole thing': Entitled Karen denied early boarding on flight, threatens to cancel the trip, gate agent maliciously complies

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