
flat earth

A flat earther tears up a children's science book in a Target.

Flat Earther Tears Up What He Deems "Science Propaganda Book" In The Middle of Store

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frustrating flat earth evolution facts global warming argument ridiculous dumb science idiots - 8731653

21 Times People Realized They Were Arguing with Someone Too Stupid to Argue With

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funny meme about the flat earth conspiracy

8 Flat Earther Memes You Won't Believe People Believe

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flat earthers debunk themselves

Flat Earth Society Debunks Itself With Stupid Tweet So They Get Flattened In Comments

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failblog vs flat earth society vs guy defending the cheezburger network

Flat Earth Society Gets Squashed By Guy's Logic In Extra Spicy Twitter War

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online stupidity

12 Classic Morons Who Made The Internet Even Dumber

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person waters their plants with microwaved water

Anti-Microwave Idiot Gets Absolutely Decimated by Real Science

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calling out liars on social media

15 Times Pathetic Liars Got Called out for Their Rampant BS

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stupid and irrational people on social media

15 Frustratingly Wacky People Clogging Up Social Media

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Flat earthers react on Twitter after Elon Musk's successful Falcon Heavy X launch.

Flat Earthers Are Shook After Elon Musk's Successful SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch

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weird irrational social media

10 Times People Online Were Aggressively Stupid

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crazy conspiracy theorists

15 Absolutely Nuts Individuals Who Littered Facebook with Crazy

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Elon Musk Asks the 'Flat Earth Society' A Question and They Fail to See the Irony of Their Own Answer

Elon Musk Asks the 'Flat Earth Society' A Question and They Fail to See the Irony of Their Own Answer

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Best Proof of the Flat Earth So Far

Picture of dug up piece of soil is the best example of the flat earth theory that we currently have.
Via Cequejedisestvrai

Flat Earther Theories Are Truly Mind Blowing

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Going Beyond the Flat Earth Conspiracy, the Moon is Flat Too

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