
twitter Twitter Thread elon musk tweets tweet celebrity twitter work-story workplace-stories fired work laid off viral tweets tech news Horrible Bosses viral Tech developers - 19629317

Update: 'I would like to apologize': Elon Musk forced to apologize after publicly shaming disabled developer who was questioning their employment status

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'I quit, don't call me': Teen worker quits after being threatened by boss for seeking "optional" urgent medical care

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'CEBro went nuclear': Employee takes DNA test, turns out their CEO is their half-brother, CEO tries to get them fired

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'Fired or accept a massive pay cut': New owner fabricates allegations to fire top employee, he sues and watches the company dissolve

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'$1300 on a fill-up': Annoying boss fired when stupid 'no-stopping' rule fuels trucker's revenge

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'I am quitting [...] effective immediately': Worker quits without notice after watching their coworkers being fired without notice.

The job that fired me then hired three people to replace me

'My boss had to hire two more people just to replace me': Nepo baby gets fired for breaking company policy, gets petty revenge

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

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'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million

'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

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'Security was called': Nepo baby gets fired from resort where her parents are members, parents go full-Karen and entire family gets banned for life

‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

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New Management Wants to Train Random Dude to Replace Essential Programmers, It Backfires

fired employee has chance to seek revenge, asks the internet if they should

'I'm feeling pretty bitter about being let go... [Should I do] a sort of revenge?': Recently Fired Employee Has Easy Way to Exact Revenge, Asks Reddit to Give the Go-Ahead

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Rude client wants their tech support ticket escalated, gets fired when it gets escalated to their boss

Fired over hash browns.

'I cracked up laughing. Instant fired:' Server gets fired after working in the customer's best interest over a hash browns order