

'I made the mistake of going back': Guy quits job, gets lured back with enticing offer, only to be let go six months later

'I made the mistake of going back': Guy quits job, gets lured back with enticing offer, only to be let go six months later

It's always a better end to the story if you quit your job than if you're let go. Unfortunately, this overworked, underpaid, and undervalued employee had quit what he believed was a toxic work environment. However, after some time away, his old boss reached out and lured him back in with the promise of the promotion he likely always wanted. In fairness to the employee, he likely felt flattered that they seemingly needed him so much. Unfortunately, that flattery only went so far. A mere six mont…
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'I was looking forward to a 70% pay bump': Employee jeopardizes a promotion after getting caught by the CEO playing Pokémon Go on his phone

Have you ever risked your career to catch a Caterpie?
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Entitled boss furious when employee doesn't come in for work after instructing employee to stay home: 'I was joking'

Typically, when your boss tells you to do something, you do it. Even if they say not to come to work, you'll (gladly) not come to work. That's exactly what happened when this entitled boss told her employee not to come to work the next day. She was reading off everyone's schedules in person at work the day prior and then told the Original Poster (OP) not to come in, so the OP obliged, as anyone in that situation would. That is, until the next day rolled around, and her entitled boss started b...
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‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The 24 Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The 24 Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

People love virtue signaling online, it gives them the motivation to continue avoiding the miserable reality of inflation, micromanaging work environments, and slimy coworkers. Where do they love doing it? LinkedIn, the playground for employees who want to look like they care way more than they actually do, although there is the occasional outlier who actually believes what they post online. LinkedIn is the place where CEOs go to blabber about their new car only to post about layoffs a day late…
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'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

If you're going to be a micromanaging kind of manager, then you should at least do it with correct grammar…
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‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

People make mistakes, that is not news to anyone here. People make mistakes in relationships, friendships, with family, at school, and yes, at work as well. You can't expect people to be completely perfect, and if you do, well, that is another mistake to throw in the mix. The employee in this Reddit story has made a grave mistake on the job, and he owns up to it, even if it wasn't 100% his fault. The boss asked him to help with a task that was unrelated to OP's (original poster) job description…
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‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

Many companies have unexplained issues with the concept of their employees working a second job. While it is understandable that a company would want to make sure that their employees won't also work for a competitor, when a company forbids an employee from working another job altogether, that is a major red flag. A place of work should not dictate what an employee does on their time off, no matter what. The employee in this Reddit story had to deal with a lot of red flags regarding their job.…
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'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

People tend to have some patience for the new person, but there are a few things they can do that will get them fired ASAP. In fact, if you were looking for ways to get out of a job the fastest, this is a great list of ideas. When a coworker gets fired, word spreads like wildfire. It quickly becomes the water cooler gossip of the day. The crazier the offense, the better the story is! After all, you have to be doing something majorly wrong if you're fired within hours of signing your onboarding…
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‘They fired me without even telling me’: Woman gets fired while on maternity leave, finds out about it from coworker who has been informed she quit

It can be alarming to think that some employers have no issue with firing employees while they are on maternity leave. Even though most countries have laws against exactly that, unfortunately, it still happens to a lot of employees. Which is exactly what happened to the woman in this Reddit story (OP, original poster). A few months after going on maternity leave, she contacts her boss to talk about her return to her job, with accommodation to her now being a new mother. Her boss probably didn't…
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workplace discussion worker workplace-stories employee fired work stories director manager work coworkers workplace funny - 25331717

Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

No one wants to get fired. A lot of times, getting fired is entirely out of our control. Lots of employees have found themselves in this situation recently, with companies doing mass layoffs and inflation continuing to rise. In this one employee's case, their boss changed their workweek from 40 hours to 42.5 hours, causing rage amongst the workforce, while many outside perspectives speculated that this was the employer's way of weeding out employees without having to do mass layoffs. Whatever t…
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‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

I was fired before, and let me tell you, it is not a good feeling. The knot that forms in your stomach makes you want to bend over a toilet, and you dread the moment your boss invites you into their office for a ‘discussion’. In my case, it happened via a phone call. I was waitressing at a tiny restaurant in my hometown, and granted, I wasn't very good at it. The reason I got fired was because 2 days in I had failed to inform the kitchen that one customer's steak was ‘too well done’. The custom…
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best work memes from this week

34 Working Hard or Hardly Working Memes for Exhausted Employees

Trying to beat that eepy feeling at work should count as overtime.
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Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

When it comes to tipping culture, there are two types of customers: You either firmly believe that servers should be paid normally and not have to rely on tip money (and maybe because of that you don't even tip yourself, depending on where you live), or you feel for the serves who barely make enough money to exist, and probably overtip because of that. The main problem, regardless of how the customers themselves feel about tipping, is that many establishments still pay servers with the money th…
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'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

These people couldn't believe what they were hearing when their bosses told them they were fired . That's because these workers were let go for some pretty off-the-wall reasons. The usual reasons people are fired are things like repeated latenesses, complaints from customers, talking back to management, or being put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) without improving. Most companies try to avoid firing people if possible, but sometimes it's avoidable. At least you're not the person who go…
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Update: 'My boss told me I was fired as an April fools joke': Boss flips out when employee won't come back to work after joke-firing

Update: 'My boss told me I was fired as an April fools joke': Boss flips out when employee won't come back to work after joke-firing

Worst April Fool's joke ever!
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'It's too late now!': Mega-Kevin gets himself fired over a cup of free coffee

Have you ever been jonesing for a coffee so much that you lash out against hotel staff, risking your reputation, well-being, and your livelihood? Yeah, me neither. While coffee beans are delicious and revitalizing, they can also turn hotel guests into bitter Betty's, keen on taking their frustrations out on the staff.
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