
fine print

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‘I called their bluff’: Frugal driver saves $80 on a parking ticket by pushing back on the fine print and threatening legal action

Parking tickets are objectively the worst. As drivers, all we ever really want is to pull up with ease, park right away, and move on with our lives, but if you live in a city, your odds of finding a parking spot immediately are slim. Sharks lurk in their tiny parking police golf carts, waiting for impatient drivers to slip up, so they can slap an irksome fee on your windshield. Heed my words, never mess with the parking police– unless they mess with you first!
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Terrible and misleading products and services.

30 Manipulative and Terrible Products and Services Designed In The Pits of Hell

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Always Read the Fine Print

monday thru friday sign fine print car wash - 8397748992
Via Izismile

Always Read the Fine Print

monday thru friday sign fine print I see what you did there cars - 8350081280
Via theCHIVE

Always Read the Fine Print

monday thru friday advertisement fine print work battery - 8171860736
Via @_Ben_Walker

Always Read the Fine Print

fine print signs - 7376848128

I'm Sorry Sir, That's Our Policy

fine print Hall of Fame - 6434276608
Via Mr. Lovenstein

The Fine Print = Profit

cartoons comic fine print - 5012795648
Via Loading Artist


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