
fine dining

‘He wanted me to make him a sandwich 3 hours after closing time’: Servers Share Most Entertaining Celebrity Customer Stories

‘He wanted me to make him a sandwich 3 hours after closing time’: Servers Share Most Entertaining Celebrity Customer Stories

Servers wait on people from all walks of life, and that includes celebrities. In this thread, they shared the good, the bad, and the ugly. Back when I was a waitress, I didn't meet a single famous person. I guess the diner I worked at wasn't exactly in high demand, and it was also in a pretty rural area, so I doubt most people have heard of it. There was this one time when I thought I had waited on Paul Rudd, but nope, it turned out it was just a look-alike. To be honest, I wish I had him as a…
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'I found a bandaid in my pizza': Restaurant goers (and employees) recall the most disgusting thing they ever saw dining out

Restaurant horror stories that are not for the squeamish
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